Upcoming webinars

FKP webinars are free and open to the public. No certificate is given for attendance.

Jumat, 3 Mei 2024. Sustainable agriculture for food system and climate resilience

Indonesia menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam penyediaan pangan bagi penduduknya.Tantangan tersebut antara lain pertumbuhan penduduk yang masih cukup tinggi, perubahan iklim dan ketersediaan lahan. Topik seminar FKP ini adalah pertanian berkelanjutan demi mencapai ketahanan pangan dan ketahanan terhadap perubahan iklim. Acara akan berlangsung secara hybrid [...]

Rabu, 8 Mei 2024. 18th Sadli Lecture. Broken ladders? Labour market inequality in Indonesia and India

The annual Sadli Lecture is a collaboration between the Institute for Economic and Social Research (Universitas Indonesia) and the Indonesia Project (The Australian National University) in honour of Professor Mohammad Sadli and Professor Saparinah Sadli. The late Professor Mohammad Sadli was a leading Indonesian policy-maker [...]

Thursday, 16 May 2024.Webinar in honor of Professor Iwan Jaya Azis

  Please join our webinar as we celebrate the remarkable academic journey, profound influences, and invaluable contributions of Professor Iwan Jaya Azis, not only as an economist and regional scientist but also as a cherished teacher, colleague, and friend. Additionally, we will unveil a [...]

Past seminars – links to videos and slides

[FKP hosted by Universitas Padjadjaran] Kesehatan ibu pasca melahirkan di Indonesia

March 26th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Padjadjaran dengan narasumber Tri Mulyaningsih, PhD (Universitas Sebelas Maret), Vitri Widyaningsih, PhD (Universitas Sebelas Maret), Riki Relaksana (Universitas Padjadjaran), Profesor Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati (Universitas Padjadjaran). Rabu, 21 Februari 2024. KEY POINTS: Indonesia menghadapi tantangan besar terkait [...]

2024 FKP Roadshow at Universitas Khairun and Universitas Pattimura

March 22nd, 2024|0 Comments

Since 2013 the FKP network in collaboration with the ANU Indonesia Project convened the FKP Roadshow which bring research presentations by international researchers to universities in Indonesia, mostly outside Jakarta. The 2024 FKP Roadshow was held on Monday, 26 February 2024 at [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] The pursuit of food self-sufficiency in Indonesia: food-trade policy preferences during the administrations of Yudhoyono (2004-2014) and Widodo (2014-present)

February 15th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah ANU Indonesia Project dengan narasumber Hizkia Respatiadi dan Arianto Patunru. Selasa, 16 Januari 2024.   KEY POINTS: Penelitian Hizkia Respatiadi menyoroti faktor-faktor yang membentuk preferensi terhadap kemandirian pangan. Faktor material, seperti keuntungan politik dan finansial, serta faktor ideasional, [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project & SMERU] Prepayment, price, and welfare: a study on electricity demand in Indonesia

February 11th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project and The SMERU Research Institute with speaker Imelda (Associate Professor, Geneva Graduate Institute). Friday, 19 January 2023. In recent decades, there has been a growing trend among developing countries towards prepayment systems for utilities, such as [...]

Catatan akhir tahun legislasi 2023: kemunduran reformasi dan merosotnya demokrasi

February 4th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Pembicara Fajri Nursyamsi (Pengajar STH Indonesia Jentera) Violla Reininda (Peneliti PSHK), Bugivia Maharani (Asisten Peneliti PSHK) dan Cikal Restu Syiffawidiyana (Asisten Peneliti PSHK). Jumat, 22 Desember 2023. KEY POINTS: Capaian [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Judicial harassment dan masa depan pelindungan pembela hak asasi manusia

February 2nd, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Nurkholis Hidayat (Kuasa Hukum Fatia-Haris) dan Alviani Sabillah (Peneliti PSHK), dan Nizwa Aphria Hasaz (Research Intern PSHK). Jumat, 15 Desember 2023. KEY POINTS: Sebanyak 127 pembela hak asasi manusia (HAM) [...]

8th Thee Kian Wie Lecture. The downstream industrialization of natural resources

January 29th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)  dengan narasumber Profesor Carunia Mulya Hamid Firdausy (BRIN), Siwage Dharma Negara (ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute), Yogi Vidyattama (University of Canberra), Moekti Prasetiani Soejachmoen (Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program/IA-CEPA [...]

[FKP hosted by CEDS Unpad] Topik gender dalam riset ekonomi di Indonesia: memperingati Hadiah Nobel Ekonomi 2023 untuk Claudia Goldin

January 24th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Economics and Development Studies Universitas Padjadjaran(CEDS Unpad) dengan narasumber Tri Mulyaningsih (FEB Universitas Sebelas Maret), Usha Adelina Riyanto (PROSPERA), dan Ruth Nikijuluw (The World Bank, Australia) dipandu oleh Pipit Pitriyan (CEDS Unpad). Selasa, 7 November 2023. [...]

[FKP hosted by Bappenas] Peta Jalan Ekonomi Biru Indonesia menuju transformasi ekonomi

January 9th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP dengan tuan rumah Bappenas dengan narasumber Siti Maftukhah (Direktorat Industri, Pariwisata, dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kedeputian Bidang Ekonomi, BAPPENAS). Kamis, 26 Oktober 2023. Peta Jalan Ekonomi Biru Indonesia dapat diakses melalui link berikut: Indonesia Blue Economy Roadmap KEY POINTS: Indonesia memiliki hak [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33] Berdaya saing lokal: membangun masa depan di selingkar Danau Toba

January 9th, 2024|0 Comments

FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia with Herbert H O Siagian (Kemenko PMK), Salsabila Kusumawardani (Article 33), dan Tarsudi (Bappelitbang Provinsi Sumatera Utara). Selasa, 3 Oktober 2023. KEY POINTS: Pemerintah Indonesia mengidentifikasi Danau Toba sebagai salah satu destinasi prioritas wisata, menekankan kekayaan [...]

[FKP hosted by INOVASI] Memperkuat pendidikan inklusif demi mengatasi kesenjangan pembelajaran siswa Indonesia

December 14th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INOVASI] Memperkuat pendidikan inklusif demi mengatasi kesenjangan pembelajaran siswa Indonesia

FKP hosted by INOVASI with Rasita Ekawati Purba (INOVASI), Lily Suryani (Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Provinsi NTB), Tolhas Damanik (Yayasan Wahana Inklusif Indonesia), Budhis Utami (Institut Lingkaran Pendidikan Alternatif (KAPAL) Perempuan), Sakdiyah (Kementerian Agama RI), Meike Anastasia (Kemdikbud RI). Rabu, 27 September [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Optimal public transportation networks: evidence from the world’s largest bus rapid transit system in Jakarta

December 14th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Optimal public transportation networks: evidence from the world’s largest bus rapid transit system in Jakarta

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Arya Gaduh (University of Arkansas). Thursday, 21 September 2023. KEY POINTS: Desain jaringan transit bus melibatkan sejumlah trade-off, termasuk antara jaringan yang lebih langsung menghubungkan antar tujuan (tanpa perlu ganti jalur), rute yang lebih intensif, [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Bisakah Program Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) memeratakan kualitas pendidikan?

December 14th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Bisakah Program Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) memeratakan kualitas pendidikan?

FKP dengan tuan rumah Article 33 Indonesia dengan narasumber Siti Choirijah Aurijah (Dinas Pendidikan Kota Depok), Irsyad Zamjani (Pusat Standar dan Kebijakan Pendidikan/PSKP Kemendikbudristek), dan Yusuf Faisal Martak (Article 33 Indonesia). Rabu, 13 September 2023.   KEY POINTS: Sistem PPDB baru mengkombinasikan [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Memodernisasi pertanian Indonesia

November 15th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Memodernisasi pertanian Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) dengan narasumber Bayu Krisnamurthi (Wakil Menteri Perdagangan, 2011-2014), Ali Jamil (Kementerian Pertanian), Nyoto Suwignyo (Badan Pangan Nasional), Insan Syafaat (PISAgro), dan Aditya Alta (CIPS). Senin, 4 September 2023. E-book "Memodernisasi Pertanian Indonesia" [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Menuju petani yang lebih sejahtera: membantu petani keluar dari jeratan kemiskinan

November 15th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Menuju petani yang lebih sejahtera: membantu petani keluar dari jeratan kemiskinan

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) dengan narasumber Aditya Alta - (Kepala Peneliti CIPS), Ir. Bambang Pamuji (Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan Kementerian Pertanian), Edward Manihuruk (GIZ SASCI+ Living Income), dan Muhammad Nuruddin (Sekretaris Jenderal Aliansi Petani Indonesia). [...]

[FKP hosted by FEB UGM and ANU Indonesia Project] The political economy of tobacco control in Indonesia

October 26th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by FEB UGM and ANU Indonesia Project] The political economy of tobacco control in Indonesia

FKP on Friday, 6 October 2023 hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) and ANU Indonesia Project. Speakers: Professor Hasbullah Thabrany (Chairperson of the National Committee for Tobacco Control), Dr Elisabeth Kramer (Senior Lecturer at the University [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Social inclusion and development outcomes in caste-based societies in Sumba and Bali

October 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Social inclusion and development outcomes in caste-based societies in Sumba and Bali

FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute with Umbu Reku Raya (Independent researcher). Thursday, 20 July 2023. KEY POINTS: Does promoting social inclusion reduce inequality in development outcomes in caste-based societies in Bali and Sumba? In Bali, a shift in political power [...]

[FKP hosted by IRSA] Structural transformation for growth acceleration

October 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by IRSA] Structural transformation for growth acceleration

FKP hosted by IRSA with Arief Anshory Yusuf (Universitas Padjadjaran), Peter Warr (ANU), Muhammad Syaikh Rohman (Universitas Airlangga), Achmad Rifa’i (BAPPENAS and Learning-Up Institute), Doddy Purwoharyono (BAPPENAS), and Muhamad Fickri Ramadhan (BAPPENAS). Friday, 28 July 2023 KEY POINTS: The study conducted by [...]

[FKP hosted by LD FEB UI] Norma gender tentang perempuan bekerja: bukti ilmiah dari intervensi daring di Indonesia

September 19th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LD FEB UI] Norma gender tentang perempuan bekerja: bukti ilmiah dari intervensi daring di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan narasumber Diahhadi Setyonaluri (Ketua Program Studi Magister Ekonomi Kependudukan dan Ketenagakerjaan FEB UI). Jumat, 11 Agustus 2023. KEY POINTS: Norma-norma gender yang mengakar telah menghambat peluang, pilihan, dan pencapaian perempuan secara global. Norma-norma [...]

[FKP hosted by LD FEB UI] Penduduk Lanjut Usia: Pemilih yang Terlupakan dalam Pesta Demokrasi

September 19th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LD FEB UI] Penduduk Lanjut Usia: Pemilih yang Terlupakan dalam Pesta Demokrasi

FKP dengan tuan rumah Lembaga Demografi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indoensia (FEB UI) berlangsung dalam rangka ulang tahun Lembaga Demografi ke-59. Narasumber: Profesor Aris Ananta (LD FEB UI), Ahmad Irsan A Moeis (Ditjen Anggaran, Kementerian Keuangan), Joko Adianto (Departemen Arsitektur Fakultas [...]

[FKP hosted by Unsri] Navigating financial and government frontiers: strategies for a dynamic future

September 19th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Unsri] Navigating financial and government frontiers: strategies for a dynamic future

FKP hosted by Faculty of Economics Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) with Fera Widyanata, (Department of Development Economics, UNSRI), Fida Muthia (Department of Management, UNSRI), and Agil Novriansyah (Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics UNSRI). Monday, 24 July 2023. KEY POINTS: The webinar featured [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Mendukung pembelajaran digital di pendidikan yinggi melalui Indeks Literasi Digital yang inklusif

September 5th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Mendukung pembelajaran digital di pendidikan yinggi melalui Indeks Literasi Digital yang inklusif

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) dengan narasumber Natasya Zahra (CIPS) dan Totok Soefijanto (CIPS). Selasa, 29 Agustus 2022. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Indonesia telah menetapkan literasi digital sebagai program prioritas dan untuk mencapai tujuan ini, Direktorat Jenderal [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Conditional cash transfer and stunting prevention: evidence from Bima, West Nusa Tenggara

August 21st, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Conditional cash transfer and stunting prevention: evidence from Bima, West Nusa Tenggara

FKP dengan tuan rumah ANU Indonesia Project dengan narasumber Romi Bhakti Hartarto (Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies, Universiti Malaya) dan Muhammad Rizkan (Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima), dan Yohanna Gultom (Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia). Thursday, 13 Juli 2023. Update October 2023. [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Bangkit dan berjuang: Potret kondisi usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia

August 14th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Bangkit dan berjuang: Potret kondisi usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Wandira Larasati (Peneliti, SMERU), Indah Agustin (Pengusaha UKM, Sleep Buddy Bedding), Rossa Novitasari (Kepala Bidang Investasi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah, Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM), dan Alfredo Setiabudi (Senior Vice President of Ads [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Inovasi kolaboratif daerah: mewujudkan pendidikan dasar berkualitas

August 14th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Inovasi kolaboratif daerah: mewujudkan pendidikan dasar berkualitas

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Margaretha Ari Widowati (Direktur Program Pendidikan Dasar - Tanoto Foundation), Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd. (Direktur Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan - Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi), Delbert Lim (Peneliti SMERU), [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Apakah Indonesia sudah siap untuk bertransisi ke ekonomi hijau? Kajian potensi komoditas dan industri ramah lingkungan di Indonesia

August 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Apakah Indonesia sudah siap untuk bertransisi ke ekonomi hijau? Kajian potensi komoditas dan industri ramah lingkungan di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Bank Indonesia Institute dengan narasumber Asrianti Mira Anggraeni (Departemen Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter, Bank Indonesia) dan Oki Hermansyah (Departemen Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter, Bank Indonesia). Jumat, 23 Juni 2023. KEY POINTS: Indonesia memiliki rencana penurunan emisi karbon yang [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Mengembangkan kapasitas pemuda: kunci mengatasi quarter-life crisis dan memaksimalkan potensi

August 3rd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Mengembangkan kapasitas pemuda: kunci mengatasi quarter-life crisis dan memaksimalkan potensi

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute Rika Kumala Dewi (Peneliti Senior. SMERU), Diana Setiyawati (Direktur Center for Public Mental Health, Universitas Gajah Mada), Leonita Dwi Agustin (Leadership Development, Tanoto Foundation), dan Dara Adinda Kesuma Nasution (Politisi Muda dan Pegiat Kebijakan [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Inovasi dalam melindungi pekerja ekonomi gig

August 3rd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Inovasi dalam melindungi pekerja ekonomi gig

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Palmira Permata Bachtiar (Peneliti Senior, SMERU), Eka Kartika (Deputi Direktur Bidang Project Management Office, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), Putu Sanjiwacika Wibisana (Ekonom, World Bank), dan Reytman Aruan (Pengamat Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia). Rabu, 7 Juni 2023. [...]

[FKP hosted by BRIN] Some like it hot: household disagreement and productivity in smallholder chili production in Indonesia

July 12th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BRIN] Some like it hot: household disagreement and productivity in smallholder chili production in Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah BRIN dengan narasumber Apri Sayekti (Pusat Riset Ekonomi Perilaku dan Sirkular, BRIN). Rabu, 24 Mei 2023. Seminar FKP ini dimuat dalam  Harian Kompas berjudul Pentingnya perempuan memiliki lahan, Jumat, 16 Juni 2023. KEY POINTS: Perempuan berperan penting dalam [...]

17th Sadli Lecture hosted by LPEM FEB UI & ANU Indonesia Project. Gender equality and development.

June 20th, 2023|Comments Off on 17th Sadli Lecture hosted by LPEM FEB UI & ANU Indonesia Project. Gender equality and development.

Update July 2023: the author version of the paper delivered by Professor Lisa Cameron is currently available open access (free to download) from the  Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies. The annual Sadli Lecture is a collaboration between the Institute for Economic and [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Cendrawasih] Water governance from the perspective of Indigenous Peoples in Papua

June 19th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Cendrawasih] Water governance from the perspective of Indigenous Peoples in Papua

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Cendrawasih dengan narasumber Elisabeth Veronika Wambrau (Universitas Cenderawasih). Jumat, 9 Mei 2023 KEY POINTS: Indigenous Peoples in Papua, such as the Malind Anim, Enggros, and Sambom tribes, have developed their own unique and effective traditional systems for [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Pendekatan solusi berbasis alam untuk mitigasi banjir di Jakarta

June 12th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Pendekatan solusi berbasis alam untuk mitigasi banjir di Jakarta

FKP dengan tuan rumah WRI Indonesia dengan narasumber Yudhistira Pribadi (WRI Indonesia). Jumat, 14 April 2023. Liputan Kantor Berita Antara dapat dibaca di sini   KEY POINTS: Ada 13 sungai yang mengalir dan bermuara di Teluk Jakarta. Pesisir Kota Jakarta sendiri permukaannya [...]

[FKP hosted by PT SMI & SMI Institute] Dampak transfer Pemerintah Pusat pada kinerja sosial ekonomi daerah

May 30th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PT SMI & SMI Institute] Dampak transfer Pemerintah Pusat pada kinerja sosial ekonomi daerah

FKP dengan tuan rumah PT SMI dan SMI Institute dengan narasumber I Kadek Dian Sutrisna Artha (Kepala Divisi Riset Ekonomi, PT SMI) dan Candra Fajri Ananda (Guru Besar Ilmu Ekonomi, Universitas Brawijaya & Staf Khusus Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia). Kamis, 13 April [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Pattimura] Improving artisanal fisheries and small-scale sago farming to support food security in Maluku

May 8th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Pattimura] Improving artisanal fisheries and small-scale sago farming to support food security in Maluku

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Pattimura dengan narasumber James Abrahamsz (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Pattimura) dan Wardis Girsang (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pattimura). Rabu, 29 Maret 2023.   KEY POINTS: Kepulauan Maluku sedikitnya terdiri dari 1.388 pulau dan menyumbang [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Understanding the impact of geopolitical risk to capital investment: metals and mining industry

May 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Understanding the impact of geopolitical risk to capital investment: metals and mining industry

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Sam Ratulangi dengan narasumber Lawren Julio Rumokoy (Universitas Sam Ratulangi). Tuesday, 21 March 2023. KEY POINTS: Global Risks Report 2023 dari World Economic Forum menunjukkan tingginya risiko geopolitik (GPR) global saat ini, yang mencakup risiko perang, aksi [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Book discussion. Ending fossil fuel subsidies: the politics of saving the planet

April 11th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Book discussion. Ending fossil fuel subsidies: the politics of saving the planet

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Neil McCulloch (Director of The Policy Practice, UK). Wednesday, 5 April 2023. KEY POINTS: Fossil fuel subsidies are causing harm to people and the environment, promoting excessive consumption of fossil fuels, exacerbating pollution and climate [...]

[FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Beyond wedlock: challenging child marriage perceptions among teenagers and parents in Indonesia

April 11th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Beyond wedlock: challenging child marriage perceptions among teenagers and parents in Indonesia

FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia with Milda Irhamni (J-PAL Southeast Asia), Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo (Universitas Gadjah Mada and J-PAL Southeast Asia), and Santi Kusumaningrum (PUSKAPA/Center for Child Protection and Well Being, Universitas Indonesia). Thursday, 16 March 2023. KEY POINTS: Child marriage [...]

[FKP hosted by Program INOVASI] Kepemimpinan perempuan di bidang pendidikan di Indonesia

March 28th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Program INOVASI] Kepemimpinan perempuan di bidang pendidikan di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program INOVASI dengan narasumber Dirga Ardiansa (Cakra Wikara Indonesia), Cici T Wanita (INSPIRASI Foundation), Dr Praptono (Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi), dan Dr Muhammad Zain (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Agama). Jumat, [...]

2023 FKP Roadshow at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and Universitas Sam Ratulangi

March 27th, 2023|Comments Off on 2023 FKP Roadshow at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Small and medium enterprises are a significant source of income and employment in many developing countries, including Indonesia. In addition to directly supplying products and services to consumers, they also play a role in exporting and in supplying products and services to [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does the shift from autocracy to democracy in Indonesia change people’s behavior?

March 21st, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does the shift from autocracy to democracy in Indonesia change people’s behavior?

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Lury Sofyan (Indonesia Ministry of Finance). Thursday, 12 January 2023. KEY POINTS: This study explores the shift from autocracy to democracy in Indonesia and how it influences individual behavior in terms of intrinsic honesty. The [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Melindungi ruang, menjaga harapan. Diskusi & peluncuran laporan studi Kerangka Hukum Pelindungan Civic Space di Indonesia

March 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Melindungi ruang, menjaga harapan. Diskusi & peluncuran laporan studi Kerangka Hukum Pelindungan Civic Space di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Atnike Nova Sigiro (Ketua Komnas HAM), Herlambang P. Wiratraman (Pengajar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada), Muhammad Isnur (Ketua Umum YLBHI), dan Rizky Argama (Peneliti PSHK). Rabu, 21 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Kebebasan berpendapat dan berekspresi [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Merawat asa masyarakat sipil mendorong penataan pemilu

March 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Merawat asa masyarakat sipil mendorong penataan pemilu

FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Hadar Nafis Gumay (NETGRIT), Feri Amsari (PUSaKO), Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati (Perludem), dan Muhammad Nur Ramadhan (PSHK). Selasa, 13 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perppu) No.1 Tahun 2022 tentang perubahan UU Pemilu No.7 [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Refleksi dan urgensi reformasi hukum pemilu

March 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Refleksi dan urgensi reformasi hukum pemilu

FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Fritz Edward Siregar, SH, LLM, PhD (Pengajar Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera dan Anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilu RI 2017-2022). Kamis, 8 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Pemerintah dan DPR RI telah memutuskan untuk tidak melakukan revisi [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Peluang dan tantangan penataan penyelenggaraan PEMILU menuju PEMILU serentak 2024

March 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Peluang dan tantangan penataan penyelenggaraan PEMILU menuju PEMILU serentak 2024

FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Saan Mustopa (Komisi II DPR RI), Arief Budiman (NETGRIT, Ketua KPU RI periode 2017-2021), Hurriyah (Pusat Kajian Politik FISIP UI), M. Nur Ramadhan (PSHK). Selasa, 6 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Tidak diubahnya Undang-Undang Nomor 7 [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Promoting vaccination take-up at the Last Mile: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural Indonesia

March 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Promoting vaccination take-up at the Last Mile: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural Indonesia

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Armand Sim (Monash University). Tuesday, 15 November 2022. KEY POINTS: A study in rural Indonesia conducted a randomized door-to-door information campaign aimed at promoting COVID-19 vaccination among unvaccinated individuals. The study recruited health cadres, influential [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Menciptakan unicorn baru: talenta digital dan ekosistem yang mendukung

February 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Menciptakan unicorn baru: talenta digital dan ekosistem yang mendukung

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Palmira P. Bachtiar (Peneliti Senior, SMERU), Danang Juffry (Community Manager, Google), Hana Nur Auliana (Corporate Strategy Executive, Waste4Change), dan Benedikta Atika (Impact Investment Lead, ANGIN). Rabu, 26 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Indonesia [...]

[FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Export diversification in Indonesia: Dutch Disease and policy options

February 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Export diversification in Indonesia: Dutch Disease and policy options

FKP dengan tuan rumah BAPPENAS dengan narasumber Deasy Pane, Hilda Rochmawati, dan Indra Muhammad (BAPPENAS). Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Selama beberapa dekade terakhir ekspor Indonesia sangat bergantung pada komoditas primer. Bersamaan dengan itu perekonomian Indonesia juga menunjukkan tren deindustrialisasi. Apakah [...]

[FKP hosted by CSIS] Could Indonesia implement effective climate policies?

February 13th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CSIS] Could Indonesia implement effective climate policies?

FKP dengan tuan rumah CSIS Indonesia dengan narasumber Yose Rizal Damuri (CSIS), Novia Xu (CSIS), Kuki Soejachmoen (IRID), dan Budy Resosudarmo (ANU Indonesia Project). Selasa, 24 Januari 2023. KEY POINTS: Dampak perubahan iklim mengisyaratkan urgensi Indonesia untuk mendorong adanya kebijakan iklim yang [...]

[FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Reformasi sistem riset dan inovasi nasional

February 7th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Reformasi sistem riset dan inovasi nasional

FKP dengan tuan rumah BAPPENAS dengan narasumber Ade Faisal (BAPPENAS). Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Ruang lingkup proses dan pemanfaatan riset dan inovasi masih kerap disalahpahami. Seringkali riset dan inovasi dikaitkan hanya dengan teknologi yang canggih. Dalam kasus Indonesia, dengan disparitas [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Book launch. In sickness and in health: diagnosing Indonesia

February 5th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Book launch. In sickness and in health: diagnosing Indonesia

  "In sickness and in health: diagnosing Indonesia". Book launch hosted by ANU Indonesia Project and the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada. Tuesday, 31 January 2023. Ringkasan acara dalam Bahasa Indonesia dapat dibaca di Harian Mimbar Umum [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Mengembangkan Kewirausahaan Pemuda Berbasis Teknologi Digital

January 30th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Mengembangkan Kewirausahaan Pemuda Berbasis Teknologi Digital

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Ana Rosidha Tamyis (Senior Researcher, SMERU), Irsan Firmansyah (CEO, The Local Enablers Research). Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Tingginya angka pengangguran pemuda menjadi salah satu isu pembangunan di Indonesia. Kewirausahaan dapat [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Mengembangkan Keterampilan Digital di Indonesia

January 20th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Mengembangkan Keterampilan Digital di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Jonathan Farez Satyadharma (SMERU), Adinova Fauri (CSIS), Mira Tayyiba (Sekretaris Jenderal, Kementerian Kominfo), Remy Rohadian (Programme Manager, Swisscontact). Rabu, 12 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) Indonesia 2020–2024 [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Meningkatkan partisipasi perempuan dalam ekonomi digital

January 18th, 2023|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Meningkatkan partisipasi perempuan dalam ekonomi digital

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Nurmala Selly Saputri (SMERU), Veto Tyas Indrio (SMERU), Hening Wikan (SMERU), dan Rahmia Hasniasari (Tokopedia). Rabu, 5 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Sekitar 65% usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia dimiliki [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Survival of the fittest: the role of digital adoption by small business in Indonesia during COVID-19 pandemic

December 29th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Survival of the fittest: the role of digital adoption by small business in Indonesia during COVID-19 pandemic

FKP dengan tuan rumah ANU Indonesia Project dengan narasumber Inayati Dwiputri (Universitas Negeri Malang) dan Anna Falentina (Statistics Indonesia/BPS). Jumat, 29 September 2022. KEY POINTS: Pandemi COVID-19 mengakibatkan munculnya kebijakan pembatasan/lockdown dan ketakutan akan penyebaran COVID-19. Hal ini  mengubah aktivitas ekonomi dan [...]

[FKP hosted by Article33] Usaha keluar kemiskinan: apakah kualitas pendidikan penting?

December 20th, 2022|1 Comment

FKP dengan tuan rumah Article 33 dengan narasumber Ciro Danuza (Article 33) dan Lukman Hakim (Article 33). Kamis, 28 September 2022. KEY POINTS: Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa individu yang sebelumnya miskin akan mempunyai pendapatan yang lebih rendah di masa depan, tidak peduli [...]

[FKP hosted by FEB UGM & ANU Indonesia Project]. 6th Mubyarto Public Policy Forum. Is ignorance bliss? An experimental approach to estimating unregulated corruption

December 5th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by FEB UGM & ANU Indonesia Project]. 6th Mubyarto Public Policy Forum. Is ignorance bliss? An experimental approach to estimating unregulated corruption

FKP hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) and ANU Indonesia Project. Speaker Dr Rimawan Pradiptyo (FEB UGM); discussants Dr Arianto Patunru (ANU Indonesia Project) and Dr Vivi Alatas (Asakreativita) Corruption, defined as the use of public [...]

[FKP hosted by Article33 Indonesia] Guru dan pengajaran yang berkualitas: apakah meningkatkan kemampuan siswa di Daerah Tertinggal?

November 30th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article33 Indonesia] Guru dan pengajaran yang berkualitas: apakah meningkatkan kemampuan siswa di Daerah Tertinggal?

FKP dengan tuan rumah Article33 Indonesia dengan narasumber Salsabila Kusumawardani (Article 33), Fikri Yansyah (Yayasan Inspirasi), dan Safira Riyanatami (Article 33). Kamis, 15 September 2022. KEY POINTS: Kemampuan literasi dan numerasi pada tahap awal perkembangan sangat krusial. Jika hal ini tidak terpenuhi [...]

[FKP hosted by INOVASI] Mentransformasi Ruang Belajar Literasi melalui peningkatan akses buku bacaan anak

November 21st, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INOVASI] Mentransformasi Ruang Belajar Literasi melalui peningkatan akses buku bacaan anak

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program INOVASI dengan narasumber Nilam Pamularsih (INOVASI) dan Sofie Dewayani (Litara). Kamis, 8 September 2022. KEY POINTS: Meskipun anak suka membaca, mereka belum memiliki akses ke buku yang menarik dan sesuai dengan jenjang, sehingga menghambat siswa untuk mengembangkan [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Young farmer problem in agriculture in Indonesia

November 16th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Young farmer problem in agriculture in Indonesia

FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI with Lukas Bonar Nainggolan (Lembaga Demografi, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia). Wednesday, 24 August 2022. KEY POINTS: The number of farmers in Indonesia is decreasing, which may impact food security as approximately 13 [...]

[FKP hosted by CEDS Unpad] Conditional cash transfer and early marriage: a case study of Mataram

November 7th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CEDS Unpad] Conditional cash transfer and early marriage: a case study of Mataram

FKP dengan tuan rumah CEDS Universitas Padjadjaran dengan narasumber Romi Bhakti Hartarto dan Wahyu Tri Wibowo(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta), Ekki Syamsulhakim (The World Bank) and Amelia Hayati (Center for Economics and Development Studies/CEDS, Universitas Padjadjaran). Kamis, 18 Agustus 2022. Catatan tambahan: Acara ini [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project and IRSA] COVID-19 disruption in Indonesia

October 31st, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project and IRSA] COVID-19 disruption in Indonesia

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project and IRSA with presentations by recipients of the 2022 IRSA-BKF Best Paper Award: Dimas Prasetyo (Nudgeplus), Daniel Halim (World Bank), and Militcyano Sapulette (ERIA). Tuesday, 9 August 2022. KEY POINTS: This webinar featured the research on [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Sriwijaya] Industrial trade and organizational culture

October 25th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Sriwijaya] Industrial trade and organizational culture

FKP hosted by Universitas Sriwijaya with Gustriani (Economic Development of Faculty of Economics Universitas Sriwijaya), Isni Adriana (Management Department of Faculty of Economics Universitas Sriwijaya), and Luk Luk Fuadah (Accounting Department of Faculty of Economics Universitas Sriwijaya). Thursday, 28 July 2022. SUMMARY [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Andalas & IRSA] The spatial patterns of urban population across Indonesian cities

October 12th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Andalas & IRSA] The spatial patterns of urban population across Indonesian cities

This FKP seminar was held in person at Universitas Andalas (Padang) and online on Zoom, hosted by Faculty of Economics Universitas Andalas and the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA). Associate Professor Yuri Mansury (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA) delivered  the inaugural Hendra [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Recent environmental and socio-economic research for sustainable development

August 23rd, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Recent environmental and socio-economic research for sustainable development

FKP hosted by BI Institute with Arnita Rishanty (Bank Indonesia Institute/BINS), Maxensius Tri Sambodo (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional/BRIN), and Dadang Muljawan (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia). Friday, 24 Juni 2022. KEY POINTS: Bioenergy in the form of biodiesel and bioethanol will not [...]

[FKP hosted by J-PAL SEA] The impacts of coffee sustainability certification on smallholders

August 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by J-PAL SEA] The impacts of coffee sustainability certification on smallholders

FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia with Russell Toth (The University of Sydney). Thursday, 16 June 2022. KEY POINTS: Sustainability programs cover a substantial share of the global production of agricultural commodities such as coffee, impacting millions of smallholder farmers in emerging [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Dampak IKN Nusantara terhadap ekonomi regional dan sistem perbankan di Indonesia

July 18th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Dampak IKN Nusantara terhadap ekonomi regional dan sistem perbankan di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Sam Ratulangi dengan narasumber Profesor Bambang Brodjonegoro (Universitas Indonesia) dan Priyanto Nugroho (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan/LPS). Selasa, 31 Mei 2022. KEY POINTS: Ekonomi Indonesia terus bertumbuh, tapi kesenjangan juga terus meningkat. Pertumbuhan ekonomi harus dikembangkan di Kawasan Timur [...]

[FKP hosted by BRIN] Pengembangan model pembangunan yang inovatif di desa dan wilayah 3T

July 18th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BRIN] Pengembangan model pembangunan yang inovatif di desa dan wilayah 3T

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) dengan narasumber Susi Ella (BRIN) dan Profesor Rachmini Saparita (BRIN). Rabu, 27 April 2022. KEY POINTS: Desa Cerdas merupakan konsep baru pembangunan pedesaan melalui solusi cerdas untuk mendukung transformasi jangka panjang desa [...]

The 16th annual Sadli Lecture. Competition policy in the age of algorithms: challenges for Indonesia

July 6th, 2022|Comments Off on The 16th annual Sadli Lecture. Competition policy in the age of algorithms: challenges for Indonesia

The 16th annual Sadli Lecture was again held online this year, on Thursday, 19 Mei 2022. This special FKP event was hosted by LPEM FEB UI and ANU Indonesia Project. The speakers were Dr Chandra Setiawan (Indonesia Competition Commision/KPPU), Dr Cassey Lee [...]

[FKP hosted by BRIN] Driving the economy back to normal tracks post COVID-19 pandemic

June 28th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BRIN] Driving the economy back to normal tracks post COVID-19 pandemic

FKP hosted by National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) with Dr Iwan Hermawan (Research Center for the Economics of Industry, Services, and Trade, BRIN) and Dr Phanida Roidoung (Public debt management Office, Ministry of Finance, Thailand). Tuesday, 26 April 2022. KEY POINTS: [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] From colonization to nation-state: the political demography of Indonesia

June 24th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] From colonization to nation-state: the political demography of Indonesia

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Riwanto Tirtosudarmo (Independent Social Researcher; former researcher at LIPI between 1980-2017), Palmira Bachtiar (The SMERU Research Institute) and Turro Wongkaren (Demographic Institute, Universitas Indonesia). Kamis, 14 April 2022 KEY POINTS: Riwanto Tirtosudarmo discussed his book [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Pengalihgunaan subsidi pertanian untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan yang berkelanjutan

June 6th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Pengalihgunaan subsidi pertanian untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan yang berkelanjutan

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) dengan narasumber Aditya Alta (Center for Indonesian Policy Studies/CIPS), Sara Qanti (Centre for Global Food and Resources, The University of Adelaide), dan Adang Agustian (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional/BRIN). Kamis, 14 April [...]

[FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Commitment contracts and school competition for smoking prevention in Indonesia

June 6th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Commitment contracts and school competition for smoking prevention in Indonesia

FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia with Margaret Triyana (The World Bank and J-PAL Southeast Asia). Friday, 1 April 2022 KEY POINTS: Indonesia has the highest male smoking prevalence globally. Moreover, there has been an increase in youth smoking prevalence from 1990-2019. [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Hutan kota untuk kita

June 6th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Hutan kota untuk kita

FKP dengan tuan rumah WRI Indonesia dengan narasumber Dewi Mustika (WRI Indonesia). Senin, 28 Maret 2022 KEY POINTS: Terdapat perbedaan definisi urban forest yang digunakan di Indonesia dan di kalangan internasional. Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 63 tahun 2022, hutan kota adalah [...]

FKP Roadshow: Enhancing community resilience to disasters

April 8th, 2022|Comments Off on FKP Roadshow: Enhancing community resilience to disasters

Speakers and organizers at Universitas Udayana FKP hosted by Universitas Mataram and Universitas Udayana with Professor Budy Resosudarmo (The Australian National University), Dr Saiful Mahdi (Universitas Syiah Kuala), Dr I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa (Universitas Udayana), and Dr Diswandi (Universitas Mataram). Tuesday and [...]

[FKP hosted by FEB UGM] The economic growth agenda and financing of green projects: an environmental DSGE approach

March 7th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by FEB UGM] The economic growth agenda and financing of green projects: an environmental DSGE approach

FKP hosted by FEB UGM with Sekar Utami Setiastuti (FEB UGM). Friday, 25 February 2022. KEY POINTS: Two significant barriers associated with green energy projects are a lower rate of return compared to fossil fuel projects and a higher risk of investment [...]

[FKP hosted by INSPIRASI] Pentingnya evaluasi kemampuan siswa dalam upaya mengatasi learning loss: pembelajaran dari studi PEMANTIK

March 4th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INSPIRASI] Pentingnya evaluasi kemampuan siswa dalam upaya mengatasi learning loss: pembelajaran dari studi PEMANTIK

FKP dengan tuan rumah INSPIRASI dengan narasumber Cici Wanita (Program Director INSPIRASI) dan Indhi Wiradika (Researcher and PEMANTIK assessment lead, Pusat Studi Pendidikan dan Kebijakan/PSPK). Selasa, 22 February 2022. KEY POINTS: Disrupsi atas kegiatan belajar di sekolah selama pandemi COVID-19 diperkirakan berakibat [...]

[FKP hosted by FEB UGM] How much do our neighbors really know? The limits of community-based targeting

March 4th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by FEB UGM] How much do our neighbors really know? The limits of community-based targeting

FKP hosted by FEB UGM with Carly Trachtman (University of California, Berkeley). Thursday, 17 February 2022. KEY POINTS: A classical motivation for using the information provided by the local community to target social benefits in developing countries is that community members may [...]

[FKP hosted by IRSA] Pengelolaan energi nasional: catatan dan arah kebijakan menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia

February 4th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by IRSA] Pengelolaan energi nasional: catatan dan arah kebijakan menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah ANU Indonesia Project dan Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) dengan narasumber Professor Djoni Hartono (Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Indonesia dan Vice President, IRSA). Kamis, 13 Januari 2022. KEY POINTS: Pengelolaan energi bersih di Indonesia masih diliputi berbagai [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Catatan Akhir Tahun PSHK: Masa depan partisipasi publik dalam proses legislasi

February 4th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Catatan Akhir Tahun PSHK: Masa depan partisipasi publik dalam proses legislasi

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber  Achmad Baidowi (Badan Legislasi DPR), Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Jakarta), Lailani Sungkar (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran), dan Antoni Putra (PSHK). Rabu, 22 Desember 2021. KEY POINTS: [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] RUU Hukum Acara Perdata dan arah reformasi eksekusi perdata

January 19th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] RUU Hukum Acara Perdata dan arah reformasi eksekusi perdata

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Profesor. Basuki Rekso Wibowo (Dekan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Nasional dan Tim Penyusun RUU Hukum Acara Perdata), Sonyendah Retnaningsih (Pengajar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia), Ahmad Maulana (Partner di firma hukum Assegaf [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Inklusi disabilitas dalam riset untuk pembentukan regulasi

January 19th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Inklusi disabilitas dalam riset untuk pembentukan regulasi

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti (Peneliti Utama Pusat Riset Politik Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional/BRIN), Abi Marutama (Analis Perlindungan HAM Kementerian Hukum dan HAM), Slamet Thohari (Sekretaris Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabilitas [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Kata-kata dalam hukum: menilik aspek bahasa dalam pembentukan regulasi dan penegakan hukum

January 17th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Kata-kata dalam hukum: menilik aspek bahasa dalam pembentukan regulasi dan penegakan hukum

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Zulfa Sakhiyya (Dosen Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Semarang), Asfinawati (Ketua Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia 2017-2021), Anwari Natari (Dosen Bahasa Indonesia STH Indonesia Jentera), dan Rival Ahmad (Dosen [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK] Implikasi putusan uji formil Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja terhadap upaya reformasi regulasi

January 17th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK] Implikasi putusan uji formil Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja terhadap upaya reformasi regulasi

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Firman Soebagyo (Anggota Badan Legislasi DPR RI), Yunan Hilmy (Kepala Pusat Analisis dan Evaluasi Hukum Nasional BPHN RI), Wicipto Setiadi (Pengajar FH UPN Veteran Jakarta), Fitriani Ahlan Sjarif (Pengajar FH [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] The untold story of cohabitation: marital choice and education investment in Eastern Indonesia

January 17th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] The untold story of cohabitation: marital choice and education investment in Eastern Indonesia

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Arif Anindita (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy). Tuesday, 30 November 2021. KEY POINTS: In some communities in eastern Indonesia, couples can choose not to marry because of the expensive bride price. However, research has shown [...]

[FKP hosted by FEB UGM] Penghidupan petani tembakau dan kebijakan pendukung di tengah pusaran kebijakan cukai rokok

January 14th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by FEB UGM] Penghidupan petani tembakau dan kebijakan pendukung di tengah pusaran kebijakan cukai rokok

FKP dengan tuan rumah FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan narasumber Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo (Universitas Gadjah Mada), Rochiyati Murniningsih (Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang), Bapak Tuhar, dan Bapak Istanto (mantan petani tembakau). Jumat, 26 November 2021. KEY POINTS: Kebijakan cukai rokok adalah kebijakan yang dianggap [...]

[FKP hosted by J-PAL] Reshaping gender attitudes to promote gender equality and women empowerment

January 14th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by J-PAL] Reshaping gender attitudes to promote gender equality and women empowerment

FKP dengan tuan rumah J-PAL Southeast Asia dengan narasumber Leny Rosalin (Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak), dan Seema Jayachandran (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab/J-PAL dan Northwestern University). Jumat, 19 November 2021. KEY POINTS: Masalah kesetaraan gender adalah masalah kompleks, sehingga [...]

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Peran kecamatan dalam tata kelola Pemerintahan Desa melalui penguatan Pembina Teknis Pemerintahan Desa

January 12th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Peran kecamatan dalam tata kelola Pemerintahan Desa melalui penguatan Pembina Teknis Pemerintahan Desa

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program KOMPAK dengan narasumber Leni Dharmawan (Program Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan/KOMPAK), Nelti Anggraini (Program KOMPAK) dan Andrey Damaledo (Universitas Artha Wacana). Selasa, 16 November 2021. KEY POINTS: Penguatan Pembina Teknis Pemerintahan Desa (P-PTPD) merupakan bagian dari [...]

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Respon desa dalam upaya penanggulangan dampak COVID-19: Studi Dana Desa

January 12th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Respon desa dalam upaya penanggulangan dampak COVID-19: Studi Dana Desa

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program KOMPAK dengan narasumber Paramagarjito Irtanto (Program Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan/KOMPAK) dan Khoirunurrofik (LPEM FEB UI). Kamis, 10 November 2021. KEY POINTS: Peran desa dalam penanggulangan dampak COVID-19 sangat sentral, salah satunya karena anggaran desa dimanfaatkan [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Pelaksanaan Bantuan Sosial di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 dan Urgensi Pemutakhiran DTKS

January 12th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Pelaksanaan Bantuan Sosial di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 dan Urgensi Pemutakhiran DTKS

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Hastuti (Peneliti, SMERU), Dyan Widyaningsih (Peneliti, SMERU), M. Firman HIdayat (Staf khusus Menteri Bidang Hubungan Internasional dan Perjanjian Internasional, Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi), dam Arwan (Kepala Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Bojonegoro). [...]

[FKP hosted by SMERU] Membangkitkan ekonomi: dampak pembatasan aktivitas dan geliat digital usaha mikro dan kecil

January 12th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by SMERU] Membangkitkan ekonomi: dampak pembatasan aktivitas dan geliat digital usaha mikro dan kecil

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Hafiz Arfyanto (Peneliti SMERU), Veto Tyas Indrio (Peneliti SMERU), Titik Anas (Staf Khusus Bidang Perumusan Kebijakan Fiskal Sektoral, Kementerian Keuangan), dan Eddy Satriya (Deputi Bidang Usaha Mikro, Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM). Selasa, [...]

[FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Recent research in regional economic development in Indonesia

January 12th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Recent research in regional economic development in Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Kementerian PPN/BAPPENAS dengan narasumber Anang Budi Gunawan (BAPPENAS) dan Agung Mahesa Himawan Dorodjatoen (BAPPENAS). Kamis, 21 Oktober 2021. KEY POINTS: Kesenjangan antar wilayah merupakan isu penting dalam pembangunan daerah dan tantangan utama bagi para pemangku kebijakan. Dari 34 [...]

[FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Geopolitical influence and regional order in Southeast Asia: Analyzing polarization among the ASEAN member states

January 11th, 2022|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Geopolitical influence and regional order in Southeast Asia: Analyzing polarization among the ASEAN member states

Counter clockwise from top left: Arianto Hartono, Evan Laksmana and Astari Daenuwy   FKP hosted by BAPPENAS with Arianto C. Hartono (BAPPENAS and International University of Japan), Astari Daenuwy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Evan A. Laksmana (National University of Singapore). Thursday, [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Dari waktu ke waktu: ketangguhan masyarakat rentan dan kesiapan pelayanan gizi dan kesehatan ibu dan anak dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19

November 21st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Dari waktu ke waktu: ketangguhan masyarakat rentan dan kesiapan pelayanan gizi dan kesehatan ibu dan anak dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Ana Rosidha Tamyis (Peneliti Senior SMERU), Nurmala Selly Saputri (Peneliti SMERU), Ahmad Arif (Co-leads Lapor COVID-19), dan Nida Rohmawati (Koordinator Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal, Direktorat Kesehatan Keluarga, Kementerian Kesehatan). Selasa, 19 Oktober [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Bersaing di pasar tenaga kerja: angkatan kerja baru dan tenaga kerja lulusan SMK di masa pandemi

November 21st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Bersaing di pasar tenaga kerja: angkatan kerja baru dan tenaga kerja lulusan SMK di masa pandemi

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Lia Amelia (SMERU), Palmira Permata Bachtiar (SMERU), Muhyiddin (Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan), dan Mahatmi Parwitasari Saronto (Direktur Ketenagakerjaan, Kementerian PPN/Bappenas). Jumat, 14 Oktober 2021. KEY POINTS: Melemahnya kinerja ekonomi [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] The tension between employment and schooling in emerging Southeast Asian economies

November 21st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] The tension between employment and schooling in emerging Southeast Asian economies

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Professor Ian Coxhead (University of Wisconsin - Madison). Friday, 8 October 2021. Dr Kimlong Chheng (Asia Vision Institute) chaired the seminar. KEY POINTS: Emerging Asia’s low-income economies have acquired a way out of severe poverty [...]

[FKP hosted by Article33] Akses penyandang disabilitas pada layanan publik dan dampak spasialnya

November 21st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article33] Akses penyandang disabilitas pada layanan publik dan dampak spasialnya

FKP dengan tuan rumah Article33 Indonesia dengan narasumber Yusuf F. Martak (Article33 Indonesia) dan Sandy J. Maulana (Article33 Indonesia). Kamis, 30 September, 2021. KEY POINTS: Akses penyandang disabilitas terhadap layanan publik dan pekerjaan masih terbatas dan cenderung timpang antar daerah. Kondisi yang [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Diversifikasi ekonomi dan kinerja pembangunan

November 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Diversifikasi ekonomi dan kinerja pembangunan

FKP dengan tuan rumah Article33 Indonesia dengan narasumber Sandy J. Maulana (Article33 Indonesia), Yusuf F. Martak (Article33 Indonesia), dan Ferry Irawan (Kementerian Koordinator bidang Perekonomian). Kamis, 23 September, 2021. KEY POINTS: Perubahan tingkat diversifikasi lebih banyak terjadi dalam jangka panjang. Indeks diversifikasi [...]

[FKP hosted by INOVASI] Siswa rentan di masa COVID-19: tidak sekolah, tidak belajar?

November 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INOVASI] Siswa rentan di masa COVID-19: tidak sekolah, tidak belajar?

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program Inovasi untuk Anak Sekolah Indonesia (INOVASI) dengan narasumber George Sukoco (INOVASI) dan Suheini Kudus (UNICEF Indonesia). Selasa, 14 September 2021. KEY POINTS: COVID-19 telah berdampak terhadap keberlanjutan pendidikan anak dan remaja terutama 1) meningkatnya anak tidak/putus sekolah. [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Melestarikan hutan, menyejahterakan masyarakat: cerita perhutanan sosial dari Kabupaten Enrekang, Bantaeng, dan Ende

November 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Melestarikan hutan, menyejahterakan masyarakat: cerita perhutanan sosial dari Kabupaten Enrekang, Bantaeng, dan Ende

FKP dengan tuan rumah Article 33 Indonesia dengan Syofia Agustini (Article 33 Indonesia), Agus Pratiwi (Article 33 Indonesia), dan Hamsir (Pemerintah Kabupaten Enrekang). Kamis, 9 September, 2021. KEY POINTS: Meski sebenarnya pergerakan perhutanan sosial mulai ada di akhir tahun 1990an, namun baru [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Local budget resilience in the time of COVID-19: evidence from Indonesia

November 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Local budget resilience in the time of COVID-19: evidence from Indonesia

  FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI with Nauli Desdiani (LPEM FEB UI) and Syahda Sabrina (LPEM FEB UI). Friday, 3 September, 2021. KEY POINTS: COVID-19 pandemic has called upon many governments to implement countercyclical fiscal policy in the short term. However, [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Pendekatan budaya dalam menanggulangi COVID-19

November 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Pendekatan budaya dalam menanggulangi COVID-19

FKP dengan tuan rumah Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan narasumber Profesor Multamia RMT Lauder (Departemen Linguistik, Fakultas Ilmu-Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia). Kamis, 31 Agustus 2021. KEY POINTS: Berbagai panduan, poster, selebaran, atau pengumuman dari Gugus Tugas COVID-19 yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia sarat [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Investigating the effects of minimum wages on employment, unemployment and labour participation in Java, Indonesia: a dynamic spatial panel approach

October 13th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Investigating the effects of minimum wages on employment, unemployment and labour participation in Java, Indonesia: a dynamic spatial panel approach

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Tifani Husna Siregar (Waseda University). Thursday, 26 August 2021. KEY POINTS: There are still very few studies in the world which account for spatial correlation among labor markets, and none for Indonesia. This study reassesses [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Long-term impacts of the Giant Wave: the case of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

October 11th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Long-term impacts of the Giant Wave: the case of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Riswandi (Universitas Syiah Kuala dan The Australian National University. Thursday, 12 August 2021. KEY POINTS: Exposure to natural shocks particularly in childhood can impair child development. Identification of the long-term effects of natural shocks is [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Indonesian behavioural changes experiences in tackling the future pandemics

October 11th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Indonesian behavioural changes experiences in tackling the future pandemics

FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI with Ricardi S. Adnan (Department of Sociology FISIP UI & Lembaga Demografi FEB UI). Friday, 20 August 2021. KEY POINTS: Tren kepatuhan masyarakat terhadap protokol kesehatan dan pembatasan sosial masih fluktuatif. Pengendalian yang dilakukan oleh [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The social, health, and economic impacts of COVID-19 on older persons in Indonesia

October 5th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The social, health, and economic impacts of COVID-19 on older persons in Indonesia

  FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI with Professor Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo (Lembaga Demografi FEB UI) and Elda L. Pardede (Lembaga Demografi FEB UI). Thursday, 5 August 2021. KEY POINTS: Currently, there are more elderly women than elderly men in Indonesia. [...]

[FKP hosted by BKF] Sistem perlindungan sosial di masa pandemi COVID-19

September 27th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BKF] Sistem perlindungan sosial di masa pandemi COVID-19

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Kebijakan Fiskal dengan narasumber Ali Moechtar (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan). Kamis, 29 Juli 2021. KEY POINTS: COVID-19 menciptakan jutaan penduduk miskin baru di dunia. Sepanjang tahun 2020 diperkirakan terdapat tambahan 100 juta orang yang masuk ke [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Memenuhi hak atas pangan bergizi selama pandemi COVID-19

September 27th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Memenuhi hak atas pangan bergizi selama pandemi COVID-19

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies dengan narasumber Arumdriya Murwani (Center for Indonesian Policy Studies/CIPS), Pungkas Bahjuri Ali (BAPPENAS) dan Kautsar Fahreza Tandipanga (World Food Programme/WFP). Kamis, 22 Juli 2021.   KEY POINTS: Indonesia menempati peringkat 65 dari 113 [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan dan hortikultura

September 27th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan dan hortikultura

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies dengan narasumber Umbu Reku Raya  (Universitas Nusa Cendana), Kadir Ruslan (Center for Indonesian Policy Studies/CIPS), dan Adi Setiyanto (Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian/PSEKP, Kementerian Pertanian) . Kamis, 15 Juli 2021. KEY POINTS: [...]

[FKP hosted by Badan Kebijakan Fiskal] Structural change and regional growth in Indonesia

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Badan Kebijakan Fiskal] Structural change and regional growth in Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, Kementerian Keuangan, dengan narasumber Asep Nurwanda dan Bakhtiar Rifa'i (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal) . Kamis, 24 Juni 2021. KEY POINTS: Hubungan perubahan struktural dengan pertumbuhan melalui produktivitas terjadi dengan adanya realokasi lintas sektor dari sektor ekonomi [...]

[FKP hosted by Badan Kebijakan Fiskal] An alternative to school construction: school integration, education and inequality

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Badan Kebijakan Fiskal] An alternative to school construction: school integration, education and inequality

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, Kementerian Keuangan, dengan narasumber Bondi Arifin (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal) . Kamis, 24 Juni 2021. KEY POINTS: Banyak daerah di Indonesia yang masih kekurangan fasilitas pendidikan, dengan perbedaan ketersediaan antar jenjang sekolah yang signifikan. Untuk mengatasi [...]

[FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Memetakan potensi penggunaan TIK pada pembelajaran jarak jauh selama COVID-19

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Memetakan potensi penggunaan TIK pada pembelajaran jarak jauh selama COVID-19

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Pusat Statistik dengan narasumber Taly Purwa (BPS Provinsi Bali) dan Diyang Gita Cendekia (BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan). Kamis, 24 Juni 2021. KEY POINTS: Pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) di Indonesia masih memiliki banyak tantangan. Akses dan fasilitas yang [...]

[FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Indonesia’s export performance and its impact to the economy

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Indonesia’s export performance and its impact to the economy

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Pusat Statistik dengan narasumber Realita Eschachasthi (BPS) dan Akhmad Mun’im (BPS). Thursday, 10 Juni 2021. KEY POINTS: Dua studi dipresentasikan pada acara ini. Studi pertama menganalisa bagaimana eksportir Indonesia menerapkan penyesuaian dalam menghadapi krisis yang disebabkan oleh [...]

[FKP hosted BI Institute] Environmental management, firm productivity and consumer preferences

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted BI Institute] Environmental management, firm productivity and consumer preferences

FKP dengan tuan rumah Bank Indonesia Institute dengan narasumber Arnita Rishanty (Bank Indonesia) dan Yudistira Permana (Universitas Gadjah Mada). Kamis, 3 Juni 2021. KEY POINTS: Circular economy berupaya menciptakan sistem produksi yang self-sustaining. Barang diproduksi menggunakan sumber daya yang telah diproduksi sebelumnya, [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Memonitor dampak COVID-19 di Indonesia melalui pendamping sosial dan penerima manfaat Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Memonitor dampak COVID-19 di Indonesia melalui pendamping sosial dan penerima manfaat Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

FKP dengan tuan rumah J-PAL Southeast Asia dengan narasumber Arya Gaduh (University of Arkansas dan The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab/J-PAL). Selasa, 15 Juni 2021. KEY POINTS: Survei terhadap pendamping dan penerima manfaat PKH mempelajari tentang dampak COVID-19 terhadap rumah tangga [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Mental health, disability, and access to jobs and education

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Mental health, disability, and access to jobs and education

FKP dengan tuan rumah LPEM FEB UI dengan narasumber Chairina Hanum Siregar (LPEM FEB UI), M. Rifqi Aufary (LPEM FEB UI), dan Putri Larasaty (Badan Pusat Statistik). Senin, 31 Mei 2021. KEY POINTS: Hasil studi menemukan bahwa partisipasi dalam program Kartu Pra-kerja [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Measuring bilateral economic cooperation: the case of Indonesia and Australia

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Measuring bilateral economic cooperation: the case of Indonesia and Australia

FKP dengan tuan rumah LPEM FEB UI dengan narasumber Kiki Verico (LPEM FEB UI). Kamis, 27 Mei 2021. KEY POINTS: Setelah proses negosiasi sekitar sepuluh tahun, Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, atau disingkat IA-CEPA, mulai berlaku. Perjanjian ini tidak hanya mencakup masalah [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI & ANU Indonesia Project] 15th Sadli Lecture. Strategy for transforming Indonesian agriculture

August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI & ANU Indonesia Project] 15th Sadli Lecture. Strategy for transforming Indonesian agriculture

Speakers: HE Dr Sri Mulyani Indrawati (Indonesian Minister of Finance), Professor Keijiro Otsuka (Kobe University and Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo), and Dr M. Dian Revindo (LPEM FEB UI). Thursday, 29 April 2021. Update: the paper on which this Lecture is based [...]

[FKP hosted by Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Windhoek] Thirty years of Indonesia-Namibia diplomatic relations: towards a dynamic economic partnership

June 28th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Windhoek] Thirty years of Indonesia-Namibia diplomatic relations: towards a dynamic economic partnership

FKP hosted by Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Windhoek, Namibia, with HE Wisnu Edi Pratignyo (Indonesian Ambassador to Namibia), Ari Hadiman (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Windhoek), Sulthon Sjahril (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Windhoek), Jason [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Global production sharing: implications for export-oriented industrialization in latecomer countries

June 21st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Global production sharing: implications for export-oriented industrialization in latecomer countries

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Premachandra Athukorala (Emeritus Professor of Economics, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University). Thursday, 6 May 2021. KEY POINTS: Relative labor cost has been a significant contributor to the [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Household saving and banking behaviour in Indonesia

June 21st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Household saving and banking behaviour in Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah LPEM FEB UI dengan narasumber Prani Sastiono (LPEM FEB UI) Chaikal Nuryakin (LPEM FEB UI), Sulistiadi Dono Iskandar (LPEM FEB UI),  dan Faradina Maizar (LPEM FEB UI). Tuesday, 18 May 2021. KEY POINTS: Pemerintah berusaha meningkatkan inklusi keuangan [...]

[FKP hosted by LIPI] 6th Thee Kian Wie Lecture

June 8th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LIPI] 6th Thee Kian Wie Lecture

Thee Kian Wie Lecture hosted by Center for Economic Research, Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with Agus Eko Nugroho (Kepala Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi, LIPI), Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti (Deputi Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Kemanusiaan), Febrio Kacaribu (Kepala BKF), Budy Resosudarmo (The Australian National [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Local government planning during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of North Sulawesi

May 17th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Local government planning during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of North Sulawesi

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Sam Ratulangi dengan narasumber Noldy Tuerah (Universitas Sam Ratulangi). Rabu, 20 April 2021.   KEY POINTS: Sejak Maret 2020, penyebaran virus COVID-19 telah sampai ke daerah dan menjangkau sebagian wilayah pedesaan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Ini [...]

[FKP hosted by LIPI] Breaking barriers to low-carbon development in Indonesia: deployment of renewable energy

May 17th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LIPI] Breaking barriers to low-carbon development in Indonesia: deployment of renewable energy

FKP hosted by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with Maxensius Tri Sambodo (LIPI) and Imelda (Department of Economics, Carlos III University, Spain). Thursday, 20 April 2021.   KEY POINTS: The share of Indonesia's renewable energy in the supply of primary energy is [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Southeast Asia economic development: the state of play

May 17th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Southeast Asia economic development: the state of play

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Professor Hal Hill (Australian National University), Chheng Kimlong (AVI) and Luke Arnold (Deputy Ambassador, Australian Embassy-Phnom Penh). Thursday, 8 April 2021.   KEY POINTS: Compared to other major developing regions at the end of the [...]

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Hasil survey usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah di 17 provinsi di Indonesia

May 17th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Hasil survey usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah di 17 provinsi di Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program KOMPAK dengan narasumber Hilda Fachrizah (LPEM Universitas Indonesia) dan Luluk Lusiantoro (FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada). Kamis, 1 April 2021.   KEY POINTS: Usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) sangat rentan terhadap guncangan ekonomi terutama di masa pandemi. [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Tata kelola hutan dan lahan gambut untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan

April 26th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Tata kelola hutan dan lahan gambut untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan

FKP dengan tuan rumah WRI Indonesia dengan Rizky Januar (WRI Indonesia) dan Rahmah Devi Hapsari (WRI Indonesia). Kamis, 25 March 2021.   KEY POINTS: Beberapa hal yang dilakukan masyarakat Beringin Tinggi dapat menjadi contoh praktik baik pengelolaan hutan desa. Jika dilakukan pembukaan [...]

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Tata kelola penanganan anak tidak sekolah: pembelajaran dari Kabupaten Brebes, Pekalongan, Lombok Utara, dan Pangkajene Kepulauan

April 26th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Tata kelola penanganan anak tidak sekolah: pembelajaran dari Kabupaten Brebes, Pekalongan, Lombok Utara, dan Pangkajene Kepulauan

FKP hosted by Program KOMPAK with Nurman Siagian (Program KOMPAK), Nufliyanti (Gerakan Kudu Sekolah, Kabupaten Pekalongan), U. Reku Raya Kedamaki (Universitas Nusa Cendana). Tuesday, 23 March 2021.   KEY POINTS: Implementasi penanganan anak tidak sekolah (ATS) di Indonesia masih belum optimal. Berdasarkan [...]

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Menyambung rantai inklusi: memahami kerentanan dalam sistem administrasi kependudukan

April 1st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Menyambung rantai inklusi: memahami kerentanan dalam sistem administrasi kependudukan

FKP dengan tuan rumah KOMPAK dengan narasumber Meutia Aulia Rahmi (Pusat Kajian dan Advokasi Perlindungan dan Kualitas Hidup Anak Universitas Indonesia/PUSKAPA Universitas Indonesia) dan pembahas Omas Bulan Samosir (Lembaga Demografi, Universitas Indonesia). Selasa, 16 Maret 2021.   KEY POINTS: Pemerintah Indonesia sudah [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Innovations for environmental stewardship: renewable energy in Indonesia and Vietnam

April 1st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Innovations for environmental stewardship: renewable energy in Indonesia and Vietnam

FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia with Anindita Nur Annisa (WRI Indonesia) and Thang Do (The Australian National University). Thursday, 18 March 2021.   KEY POINTS: Renewable energy growth in Indonesia is still lagging. There is still a financing gap for renewable energy [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Menuju tata kelola hutan yang lebih inklusif

March 23rd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Menuju tata kelola hutan yang lebih inklusif

  FKP dengan tuan rumah WRI Indonesia dengan narasumber Septrina Frisca Tobing (WRI Indonesia), Dwiki Ridhwan (WRI Indonesia), dan Caroline Astri (WRI Indonesia). Jumat, 12 Maret 2021.   KEY POINTS: Kawasan konservasi yang tumpang tindih dengan wilayah adat menyebabkan adanya konflik lahan. [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Snacks, nudges and asymmetric peer influence: evidence from food choice experiments with children in Indonesia

March 17th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Snacks, nudges and asymmetric peer influence: evidence from food choice experiments with children in Indonesia

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Robert Sparrow (Wageningen University) and Sirojuddin Arif (The SMERU Research Institute). Thursday, 4 March 2021.   KEY POINTS: Due to economic development and globalization, people's lifestyles and diets in Indonesia change towards more processed foods. [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Pattimura] Integrasi sosial-ekonomi dan ekologi pembangunan pulau-pulau kecil di Maluku

March 17th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Pattimura] Integrasi sosial-ekonomi dan ekologi pembangunan pulau-pulau kecil di Maluku

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Pattimura dengan narasumber Agustinus Kastanya (Universitas Pattimura) dan Wardis Girsang (Universitas Pattimura). Kamis, 18 Februari 2021. KEY POINTS: Pulau-pulau kecil memiliki karakteristik sosial-ekonomi, biofisik dan ekologi yang spesifik, sehingga modernisasi pembangunan yang lebih berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Economic risks of COVID-19: a local perspective

March 12th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Economic risks of COVID-19: a local perspective

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Arianto Patunru (The Australian National University) and Wisnu Harto (TBWA). Thursday, 18 February 2021.   KEY POINTS: The COVID-19 virus can be transmitted to anyone without discrimination. However, the geographical spread depends on the region’s [...]

[FKP hosted by IRSA] Regional perspectives of COVID-19 in Indonesia (Session 2)

March 4th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by IRSA] Regional perspectives of COVID-19 in Indonesia (Session 2)

FKP hosted by Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) with Mansur Afifi (Universitas Mataram), Ludia Theresia Wambrauw, Josina Waromi (Universitas Negeri Papua), Wellem A. Teniwut (Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual), and D.S. Priyarsono (IRSA). Thursday, 11 February 2021.   KEY POINTS: Large-scale social restrictions [...]

[FKP hosted by IRSA] Regional perspectives of COVID-19 in Indonesia (Session 1)

February 18th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by IRSA] Regional perspectives of COVID-19 in Indonesia (Session 1)

FKP hosted by Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) with Rimawan Pradiptyo (Universitas Gajah Mada), Nurul Bariyah (Universitas Tanjungpura), Agus Suntoro and Zsabrina Ayunda (Komnas HAM). Thursday, 4 February 2021.   KEY POINTS: The theme of the IRSA Book Series on Regional Development [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Nusa Cendana] Strategi pengurangan dampak bencana dan penguatan jaring pengaman sosial di NTT

February 18th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Nusa Cendana] Strategi pengurangan dampak bencana dan penguatan jaring pengaman sosial di NTT

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Nusa Cendana dan CREDOS Institute dengan narasumber Fransisca Novita (Wahana Visi Indonesia) dan Andrey Damaledo (Kyoto University dan Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana). Kamis, 28 Januari 2021.   KEY POINTS: Karakter bencana di NTT sebenarnya didominasi oleh bencana [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Nusa Cendana] Fokus pembangunan di NTT dari kacamata NGO

February 4th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Nusa Cendana] Fokus pembangunan di NTT dari kacamata NGO

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Nusa Cendara dan CREDOS Institute dengan narasumber Fitriana Herarti (ChildFund International Indonesia) dan Eben Ezer Sembiring (Wahana Visi Indonesia Zona NTT). Kamis, 21 Januari 2021.   KEY POINTS: Pandemi COVID-19 yang saat ini melanda dunia memaksa berbagai [...]

[FKP 14 Januari 2021] Pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia

February 1st, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP 14 Januari 2021] Pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia

FKP dengan pembicara Profesor (emeritus) Emil Salim (Universitas Indonesia), Profesor Armida Alisjahbana (Universitas Padjadjaran dan UN ESCAP), dan Isna Marifa (Konsultan) dipandu oleh Profesor Budy Resosudarmo (ANU Indonesia Project). Kamis, 14 Januari 2021.   KEY POINTS: Pembangunan ekonomi semata is necessary but [...]

[FKP hosted by Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan] Catatan akhir tahun PSHK

January 22nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan] Catatan akhir tahun PSHK

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan Fajri Nursyamsi (PSHK). Rabu, 23 Desember 2020.   KEY POINTS: Catatan akhir tahun PSHK mengangkat beberapa topik utama terkait hukum dan hak asasi manusia (HAM) di Indonesia antara lain proses legislasi, [...]

[FKP hosted by Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan] Ruang gerak masyarakat sipil sesudah Undang-undang Cipta Kerja

January 22nd, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan] Ruang gerak masyarakat sipil sesudah Undang-undang Cipta Kerja

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan pembicara Thomas Power (University of Sydney), Damar Juniarto (SAFEnet), Eryanto Nugroho (PSHK dan Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera), dan Alviani Sabillah (Paramedis Jalanan). Kamis, 17 Desember 2020.   KEY POINTS: Demokrasi [...]

[FKP hosted by Universitas Nusa Cendana] Keefektifan Pos Gizi dalam penanganan gizi buruk pada balita di Nusa Tenggara Timur

January 12th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Universitas Nusa Cendana] Keefektifan Pos Gizi dalam penanganan gizi buruk pada balita di Nusa Tenggara Timur

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Nusa Cendana dengan pembicara Umbu Reku Raya (Universitas Nusa Cendana dan CREDOS Institute) dan Christina Olly Lada (Universitas Nusa Cendana dan CREDOS Institute). Kamis, 7 Januari 2021.   KEY POINTS: Kekurangan gizi sudah lama menjadi masalah di [...]

[FKP hosted by Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan] Implementasi UU Cipta Kerja dalam kerangka kebijakan disabilitas

January 12th, 2021|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan] Implementasi UU Cipta Kerja dalam kerangka kebijakan disabilitas

FKP dengan tuan rumah Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dengan narasumber Fajri Nursyamsi (PSHK). Jumat, 4 Desember 2020   KEY POINTS: UU Nomor 8 tahun 2016 tentang Penyandang Disabilitas memang bukan objek yang diubah dalam UU Cipta Kerja. Namun ketika UU [...]

[FKP hosted by CEDS Unpad] The costs of not breastfeeding in Indonesia

December 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CEDS Unpad] The costs of not breastfeeding in Indonesia

FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Economics and Development Studies (CEDS) Universitas Padjajaran dengan Adiatma Siregar (CEDS). Senin, 30 November 2020 KEY POINTS: Sekitar setengah dari anak-anak di Indonesia yang berusaha di bawah 6 bulan tidak mendapatkan air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif. [...]

[FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Dampak COVID-19 terhadap mobilitas penduduk, turisme, dan ketimpangan gender.

December 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Dampak COVID-19 terhadap mobilitas penduduk, turisme, dan ketimpangan gender.

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dengan Setia Pramana (BPS) dan Ema Tusianti (BPS). Kamis, 26 November 2020 KEY POINTS: COVID-19 sudah berlangsung di Indonesia selama 8 bulan dan berdampak besar terhadap kesehatan, ekonomi, dan sosial. Beberapa marketplace di Indonesia [...]

[FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Digitalisation and the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yogyakarta

December 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Digitalisation and the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yogyakarta

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dengan Anna Falentina (BPS). Kamis, 19 November 2020. Presentasi ini didasarkan pada artikel yang akan terbit di Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES).   KEY POINTS: Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK) menyediakan sumber pendapatan [...]

[Public Lecture in honour of Professor Mohammad Sadli and Professor Mubyarto] Industrial policies to escape the middle-income trap: a new structural economics approach for Indonesia

November 24th, 2020|Comments Off on [Public Lecture in honour of Professor Mohammad Sadli and Professor Mubyarto] Industrial policies to escape the middle-income trap: a new structural economics approach for Indonesia

  Public Lecture hosted by LPEM Universitas Indonesia, FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada, and ANU Indonesia Project in honour of Professor Mohammad Sadli and Professor Mubyarto with Justin Yifu Lin (Peking University), Muhammad Edhie Purnawan (Universitas Gadjah Mada), and Kiki Verico (Universitas Indonesia). [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Mengurai tantangan anak muda untuk menjadi pengusaha

November 11th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Mengurai tantangan anak muda untuk menjadi pengusaha

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan Rika Kumala Dewi (The SMERU Research Institute), Slamet Santoso (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika), Meybi Agnesya Neolaka (Timor Moringa & Timor Moringa Learning Center). Rabu, 28 Oktober 2020 KEY POINTS: Minat pemuda pada profesi [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Membedah sistem perekrutan dan pengembangan guru: tantangan dan strategi mewujudkan pendidikan berkualitas

November 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Membedah sistem perekrutan dan pengembangan guru: tantangan dan strategi mewujudkan pendidikan berkualitas

FKP dengan The SMERU Research Institute dengan Shinta Revina (The SMERU Research Institute) Melfi Abra (Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bukittinggi) Nunuk Suryani (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan). Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020   KEY POINTS: Perekrutan guru di Indonesia masih belum berorientasi pada kualitas, baik [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Beyond stunting: new problems and challenges to improve food security and nutrition

November 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Beyond stunting: new problems and challenges to improve food security and nutrition

FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute with Christa Räder (World Food Programme), Iván Cossio Cortez (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Celvya Betty Manurung (The Vice President’s Office), Dr. Bambang Widianto (Executive Secretary, TNP2K) Sirojuddin Arif (The SMERU Research institute), Elan Satriawan [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Memutus mata rantai kemiskinan: kemiskinan antar generasi dan evaluasi dampak Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

October 20th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Memutus mata rantai kemiskinan: kemiskinan antar generasi dan evaluasi dampak Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

FKP dengan SMERU Institute dengan Mayang Rizky (The SMERU Research Institute), Ekky Syamsulhakim (The World Bank), dan Andhyta F. Utami (Think Policy Indonesia). Kamis, 8 Oktober 2020.   KEY POINTS: Di Indonesia proporsi anak yang tinggal di keluarga miskin lebih besar dibandingkan [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Tackling COVID-19: people’s attitudes and health facility preparedness in Indonesia

October 6th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Tackling COVID-19: people’s attitudes and health facility preparedness in Indonesia

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Rachmat Ari Wibowo (Universitas Gajah Mada) and Romi Bhakti Hartarto (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta). Selasa, 29 September 2020.   KEY POINTS: The COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious threat to many countries, including Indonesia. Based on [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33] Kesiapan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dalam menghadapi perubahan pasar tenaga kerja

October 6th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33] Kesiapan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dalam menghadapi perubahan pasar tenaga kerja

  FKP dengan Article 33 dengan pembicara Lukman Hakim (Article 33), Bahar Ngitung (KADIN Sulawesi Selatan), dan Wikan Sakarinto (Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Vokasi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan). Kamis, 24 September 2020.   KEY POINTS: Pandemi COVID-19 telah menyebabkan krisis ekonomi secara global [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33] Akses penyandang disabilitas terhadap layanan publik

September 27th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33] Akses penyandang disabilitas terhadap layanan publik

FKP dengan Article 33 dengan pembicara Mulyana (Article 33), Eva Rahmi Kasim (Direktorat Rehabilitasi Sosial Penyandang Disabilitas, Kementerian Sosial RI), dan Pater Avent Saur (Kelompok Kasih Insanis). Kamis, 10 September 2020.   KEYPOINTS: Akses penyandang disabilitas terhadap layanan publik di Indonesia sangat [...]

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Universitas membangun desa: kolaborasi lewat KKN tematik

September 27th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Universitas membangun desa: kolaborasi lewat KKN tematik

FKP dengan Program Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan (KOMPAK) dengan pembicara Paramagarjito Irtanto (Program KOMPAK), Abdul Gaffar (Bappeda Kabupaten Pangkep), dan Santoso (Article 33). Kamis, 17 September 2020.   KEY POINTS: Model Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD) lewat Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) [...]

[FKP hosted by Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA)] Book launch: Disasters and regional development in Indonesia

September 24th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA)] Book launch: Disasters and regional development in Indonesia

FKP hosted by Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) with speakers Arief A. Yusuf (President, IRSA, and Professor, Universitas Padjadjaran), Mustika Septiyas Trisilia, Catur Sugiyanto and Diana Setiyawati (Universitas Gadjah Mada), Muhammad Mulia, Amirusholihin and Edy Purwanto (SurveyMeter), and discussant Bernadette Robiani (Professor, [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Manajemen talenta makro: kerangka konseptual & perspektif aplikasi

September 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Manajemen talenta makro: kerangka konseptual & perspektif aplikasi

  FKP dengan Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan pembicara Avanti Fontana (Lembaga Demografi, Universitas Indonesia). Senin, 31 Agustus 2020.   Poin utama: Manajemen Talenta Makro (MTM) merupakan pendekatan dalam tata kelola talenta di tingkat negara yang mempertimbangkan secara sistematis di mana rangkaian [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Food insecurity and the rise of child labor

September 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Food insecurity and the rise of child labor

  FKP dengan Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan pembicara Dwini Handayani dan Resa Surya Utama (Lembaga Demografi  dan Badan Pusat Statistik, Universitas Indonesia). Thursday, 27 Agustus 2020.   Poin utama: Alasan utama anak bekerja adalah kemiskinan. Penelitian kali ini mencoba menggunakan kerawanan [...]

[The 5th Thee Kian Wie Lecture] Kebijakan pembangunan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan: strategi pemulihan pasca pandemi

September 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [The 5th Thee Kian Wie Lecture] Kebijakan pembangunan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan: strategi pemulihan pasca pandemi

Thee Kian Wie Lecture ke-5 dengan Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (P2E LIPI). Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020. Poin utama: Kontraksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di masa pandemi utamanya disumbangkan oleh konsumsi rumah tangga yang menurun drastis. Kondisi ini akan berdampak pada [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Rumah susun sederhana sewa (Rusunawa): obat mandat yang butuh obat

August 31st, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Rumah susun sederhana sewa (Rusunawa): obat mandat yang butuh obat

FKP dengan Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan pembicara Joko Adianto (Lembaga Demografi  dan Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Indonesia). Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020.   Poin utama: Rumah susun sederhana sewa (Rusunawa) dibangun untuk menyelesaikan masalah hunian di Jakarta. Namun Rusunawa memiliki masalah utama yaitu [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Undang-undang lansia, menyongsong bonus demografi kedua

August 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Undang-undang lansia, menyongsong bonus demografi kedua

FKP dengan Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan pembicara Lilis Heri Mis Cicih (Lembaga Demografi FEB UI). Selasa, 25 Agustus 2020.   Poin utama: UU No.13 tahun 1998 tentang Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia sudah terlalu lama dan sudah tidak sesuai dengan kondisi penduduk lanjut [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The impact of commute time on health status of commuting workers in Jabodetabek

August 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The impact of commute time on health status of commuting workers in Jabodetabek

FKP dengan Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan pembicara Chotib Hasan (Lembaga Demografi FEB UI). Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020. Poin utama: Sekitar 22 persen dari pekerja di area metropolitan Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek) adalah pelaku komuter, tertinggi di antara 9 [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Corporate Social Responsibility: antara kewajiban dan kebutuhan perusahaan

August 24th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Corporate Social Responsibility: antara kewajiban dan kebutuhan perusahaan

FKP dengan Lembaga Demografi FEB UI dengan pembicara Djainal Abidin Simanjuntak (Lembaga Demografi FEB UI). Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020. Poin utama: Berbagai negara di dunia melaksanakan corporate social responsibility (CSR) secara sukarela. Berbeda dengan Indonesia di mana CSR dianggap sebagai kewajiban yuridis [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Analysis of maternal infection and neo-natus born to mothers with COVID-19: a systematic review

August 20th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Analysis of maternal infection and neo-natus born to mothers with COVID-19: a systematic review

FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi Universitas Indonesia with Salut Muhidin (Macquarie University and Lembaga Demografi Universitas Indonesia). Thursday, 6 August 2020. KEYPOINTS: A systematic literature revealed the vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 between mother and baby was found to be inconclusive as [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does social-distancing save lives?

August 20th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does social-distancing save lives?

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Bondi Arifin, Eko Wicaksono, and Nugraheni Kusumaningsih (Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia). Tuesday, 4 August 2020. KEYPOINTS: Indonesian government took two important social distancing measures through Work, Study, and Worship from [...]

FKP in the first half of 2020

August 9th, 2020|Comments Off on FKP in the first half of 2020

FKP Roadshow at Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan) Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) was initiated by the ANU Indonesia Project and LPEM FEB UI in 2009. At the time, all seminars were held at LPEM offices on the Universitas Indonesia campus on [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Layanan penitipan anak: jalan dukung perempuan bekerja

August 6th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Layanan penitipan anak: jalan dukung perempuan bekerja

Para pembicara dalam webinar. FKP dengan tuan rumah Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) dengan pembicara Agustina Erni (Kementerian Pemberdayaan Peremuan dan Perlindungan Anak), Diahhadi Setyonaluri (Lembaga Demografi Universitas Indonesia), Daniel Halim (World Bank) dan Nizam Fadila (Indonesia Business Coalition for Women [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does urban form affect motorcycle use?

July 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does urban form affect motorcycle use?

Sotya Fevriera during her presentation. FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Sotya Fevriera (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana). Wednesday, 28 July 2020. Edit December 2021: the paper has been published in the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES) https://doi.org/10.1080/00074918.2020.1747595 KEYPOINTS: Cities of Asia [...]

[FKP hosted by INSPIRASI Foundation] Apa yang hilang dari pelatihan guru dan kepala sekolah?

July 28th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INSPIRASI Foundation] Apa yang hilang dari pelatihan guru dan kepala sekolah?

Two phases in the training implemented by INSPIRASI Foundation FKP hosted by INSPIRASI Foundation with Patrya Pratama (INSPIRASI Foundation) and Cheryl Ann Fernando (PEMIMPIN - Global School Leaders/GSL Malaysia). Thursday, 23 July 2020. KEYPOINTS: Despite many training programs for teachers and school [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Growing Indonesia’s Presence and Role in Future Global Value Chains

July 14th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Growing Indonesia’s Presence and Role in Future Global Value Chains

FKP hosted by the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) with Andree Surianta (CIPS), Ashley Vines (University of Melbourne), and Siswo Pramono (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia) FKP hosted by the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) with Andree Surianta (CIPS), [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS] Food Security and Poverty in Indonesia

July 6th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS] Food Security and Poverty in Indonesia

FKP with Felippa Amanta and Iqbal Wibisono (CIPS), John McCarthy (ANU), and Yurdi Yasmi (IRRI). FKP hosted by the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) with Felippa Amanta and Iqbal Wibisono (CIPS), John McCarthy (The Australian National University/ANU), and Yurdi Yasmi (International [...]

[FKP hosted by INDEF] Peran Investasi Sektor TIK serta Paten terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

June 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INDEF] Peran Investasi Sektor TIK serta Paten terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

FKP dengan Berly Martawardaya (Research Director, Institute for Development of Economics and Finance) pada webinar 30 Juni 2020. Poin utama Untuk lepas dari middle income trap, Indonesia membutuhkan peningkatan di bidang inovasi. Namun data menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pertumbuhan paten di Indonesia cenderung [...]

FKP Seminars in June 2020

June 29th, 2020|Comments Off on FKP Seminars in June 2020

Some findings from a survey conducted by Ministry of Education and Culture Forum Kajian Pembangunan in June 2020 was hosted by Program Inovasi untuk Anak Sekolah Indonesia (INOVASI), a joint program of the Indonesian and Australian governments aimed at understanding how student [...]

[FKP hosted by INOVASI] Belajar dari Rumah: Sudahkah Inklusif?

June 29th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INOVASI] Belajar dari Rumah: Sudahkah Inklusif?

Rasita Purba, Cici T. Wanita, dan Irsyad Zamjani dalam webinar. FKP dengan INOVASI bersama Rasita Purba (Program Inovasi untuk Anak Sekolah/INOVASI), Cici T. Wanita (INSPIRASI Foundation), Irsyad Zamjani (Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan, Balitbang dan Perbukuan, Kementeraian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan) Keypoints: Survei pembelajaran dari [...]

[FKP hosted by CIPS & INOVASI] Hambatan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Indonesia di Masa COVID 19

June 29th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by CIPS & INOVASI] Hambatan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Indonesia di Masa COVID 19

Nadia F. Azzahra dalam webinar. FKP dengan Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) bersama Nadia Fairuza Azzahra (CIPS) dan Rasita Purba (INOVASI). Kamis, 25 Juni 2020. Keypoints: Hambatan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang didorong oleh pandemi di Indonesia berkaitan dengan tidak tersedianya akses [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Mining Fiscal Systems and Resource Rents: Evidence from Oil and Gas Producing Countries

June 17th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Mining Fiscal Systems and Resource Rents: Evidence from Oil and Gas Producing Countries

Abdul Nasir during his presentation. FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Abdul Nasir (Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, The Australian National University). Thursday, 11 June 2020. Keypoints: The type of mining fiscal system affects the amount of resource rents received by governments. [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Political Competition and Economic Performance: Evidence from Indonesia

June 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Political Competition and Economic Performance: Evidence from Indonesia

  Jahen F. Rezki during his presentation.   FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI with Jahen F. Rezki (LPEM FEB UI). Wednesday, 20 May 2020. Keypoints: Political competition may affect government policies leading to economic performance, but the relationship is under-studied in [...]

FKP Seminars in May 2020

June 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on FKP Seminars in May 2020

Forum Kajian Pembangunan in May 2020 was hosted by LPEM FEB UI which held 5 webinars. The first webinar was held on 12 May 2020 on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector in Indonesia. Dr M. Dian Revindo (LPEM [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Assessment of fisheries tax to promote sustainable fisheries management in Indonesia

June 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Assessment of fisheries tax to promote sustainable fisheries management in Indonesia

Amongst the many problems faced by the fisheries sector in Indonesia are non-optimal revenues from fisheries and insufficient fiscal tools. This is doubly unfortunate since if designed properly, fiscal instruments can be powerful to change behavior towards a more sustainable resource extraction [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] The impact of tourism on poverty alleviation and income distribution: evidence from Indonesia

June 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] The impact of tourism on poverty alleviation and income distribution: evidence from Indonesia

Tourism has important contribution towards Indonesia’s economy and the role tends to increase through time. In 2018, 15.8m foreign visitors spent US$16b in Indonesia, up from 8.8 visitors spending $10b in 2013. Domestic tourism is also rising, with 303m trips and Rp291t [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Tourism Sector in Indonesia

May 13th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Tourism Sector in Indonesia

Ulun Danu temple at sunrise, Bali The global tourism industry is hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Indonesia, the drop in trips from foreign and domestic tourists due to travel restrictions and physical distancing policy has caused a negative shock in [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Finance for Sustainable Ocean Economy

May 8th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Finance for Sustainable Ocean Economy

Professor Zuzy Anna during her presentation. Current practices within ocean economy are not sustainable. Ways to understand how to achieve and finance sustainable ocean economy (SOE) are required. Studies were conducted by reviewing existing literatures and data to understand the overall issues [...]

FKP Seminars in March and April 2020

May 8th, 2020|Comments Off on FKP Seminars in March and April 2020

March 2020 marked the 10th year anniversary of Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP), initiated by ANU Indonesia Project and LPEM FEB UI. The FKP was one of the first academic seminar series open to the public, designed to encourage discourse on development policy [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Corona-induced tension between regulations and actions

May 4th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Corona-induced tension between regulations and actions

Philips J Vermonte (Centre for Strategic and International Studies), Bivitri Susanti (Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia), Imelda Deinla (ANU) Regulations are generally rigid and complex. At times, however, policymakers are faced with a situation where they have to make very quick [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Natural Resource Accounting

May 4th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Natural Resource Accounting

  The System of Environmental Economics Accounting (SEEA) is a measurement framework linking the environment to the economy. The SEEA can be used to measure the physical amount and worth of natural capital to be accounted in the national account. In Indonesia, [...]

[FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] Basic Income, Climate, and Nature: A Review

May 4th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] Basic Income, Climate, and Nature: A Review

Rahayu Maitri during the presentation. Fatiya Rumi Humaira during the presentation.   Sonny Mumbunan during the presentation. The basic income (or sometimes called universal basic income) concept is when the government provides an unconditional, periodic payment to individual citizens. The Basic income [...]

[FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] The Role of Agricultural Insurance for Small Farmer Protection and Small-scale Farming Sustainability

April 25th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] The Role of Agricultural Insurance for Small Farmer Protection and Small-scale Farming Sustainability

Deni Hidayati during her presentation. Indonesia sets high rice production targets to achieve food self-sufficiency. However, paddy farmers face a high risk of uncertainty and loss of production due to disasters and attacks from pests driven by climate change. To protect farmers, [...]

[FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] The Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Poverty: An Estimation for Indonesia

April 25th, 2020|2 Comments

Sunset Workers The COVID-19 pandemic is causing severe economic impact through negative supply and demand shocks leading to a recession that pushes millions of people into poverty. In Indonesia, where up to 7,500 people have been infected by late April 2020, the [...]

[FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] Energy Poverty under the Jokowi Presidency

April 25th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research LIPI] Energy Poverty under the Jokowi Presidency

Maxensius Tri Sambodo during his presentation. Indonesia claims almost 99% electrification ratio, yet there is the case of energy poverty, i.e. lack of access to electricity in some rural areas, and lack of access to clean energy. Maxensius Sambodo (Centre for Economic [...]

  • Arvin Miracelova giving a presentation on a film village in Indonesia named Baliwood Land

[FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research of LIPI] Village Transformation toward a New World Icon: Tourism and Digital Village

April 19th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Center for Economic Research of LIPI] Village Transformation toward a New World Icon: Tourism and Digital Village

Arvin Miracelova during presentation I Wayan Sutama during Q&A session Villages in Indonesia may evolve into a global community through exposure of their nature, people, culture and local traditions to the world through tourism and digitalization. Baliwood Land in Bali explores their [...]

  • Peter McCawley presenting the economic cooperation between Indonesia and the international community

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Indonesia and the International Community – 50 Years of Economic Cooperation

April 16th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Indonesia and the International Community – 50 Years of Economic Cooperation

Peter McCawley during the presentation Like other countries in Asia, Indonesia has experienced astonishing growth since the 1950s. However, a huge capital gap between Indonesia and developed countries remains. There are various means to increase Indonesia's capital stock, from education to good [...]

  • Hillary C. Johnson and Glory Sunarto presenting about financial literacy

[FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Services

April 16th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Services

  Hillary C. Johnson (left) and Glory Sunarto (right) during the presentation Data shows that women are more willing to save in comparison to men; even though women earn less, they'd save a higher fraction of their annual earnings. However, although savings [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Restricting human movements: public health outcomes and economic consequences

April 15th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Restricting human movements: public health outcomes and economic consequences

In an attempt to contain the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, social distancing has been the norm. With the COVID-19 pandemic fast crawling to every corner of the globe, social distancing needs to morph into stricter forms: self-isolation, house quarantine, territorial quarantine, [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Reading the Corona, from gloom to doom, are we doing the right thing?

April 13th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Reading the Corona, from gloom to doom, are we doing the right thing?

The seminar aimed at giving some comparative perspectives on what measures have been introduced in other countries and how they might or might not work in Indonesia. Erick Hansnata from KPMG Australia  discussed the relevant measures in Australia; Ari Perdana from the [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] On Socio-economic Predictors of Religious Intolerance

April 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] On Socio-economic Predictors of Religious Intolerance

Hariyadi (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman) during presentation Around the globe, religious tensions are on the rise. In Indonesia, the largest Muslim democracy in the world, the same issue is evident with objection towards non-Muslim leaders increasing throughout 2016-2018; refusal of non-Muslim funeral occurring [...]

  • Martin Siyaranamual presenting social cost of toll road in Indonesia

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Do Indonesian Toll Roads Create the “Radiator Springs” Phenomenon?

April 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Do Indonesian Toll Roads Create the “Radiator Springs” Phenomenon?

Road infrastructure, such as toll road, is an essential means to achieve economic development and growth in Indonesia as it improves the mobility and accessibility of people and goods. The availability of financing from the private sector enables the acceleration of the [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Reading the Corona: extraordinary responses during an extraordinary time

April 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Reading the Corona: extraordinary responses during an extraordinary time

The Coronavirus outbreak is still unfolding and humankind is caught off guard. Amidst the sea of uncertainty, everyone agrees: saving lives is the utmost priority. However, disentangling public health and economic considerations is not only difficult but also futile. Fighting the virus [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Evaluating Entertainment Tax in Indonesia

March 26th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Evaluating Entertainment Tax in Indonesia

Pihri Buhaerah giving the presentation The numbers of film production and film audiences in Indonesia are increasing, indicating the economic potentials of the industry to generate revenue. However, the growth of the film industry is not accompanied by an increase in the number of [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Defining Generations based on Indonesian Experience

March 26th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Defining Generations based on Indonesian Experience

Turro Wongkaren (left) and Diana Stojanovic (right) Generational terms based on American experiences, such as Generation X and Millennials, are often used in the media and academic setting. However, Indonesian experiences may be very different given different economic and social structures. Therefore, [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Implications of East Asia Energy Integration on Carbon Emissions in the Region

March 19th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Implications of East Asia Energy Integration on Carbon Emissions in the Region

Almo Pradana (left) and Budy P. Resosudarmo (right)   The integration of the energy market in East Asia and beyond has been discussed for more than a decade. To achieve energy market integration, there are challenges at the national, regional, and global [...]

FKP Roadshow in four cities in Kalimantan

March 10th, 2020|Comments Off on FKP Roadshow in four cities in Kalimantan

In collaboration with SMERU Research Institute and Universitas Sebelas Maret, the ANU Indonesia Project conducted the 2020 Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) Roadshow in four cities in Kalimantan. The overall theme of this year FKP Roadshow is education in Inodnesia. The first main [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Catatan Akhir Tahun PSHK

February 27th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Catatan Akhir Tahun PSHK

The year 2019 was loaded with political elements: from the simultaneous national and regional elections, transitions of leadership, to the massive protests by the end of the year.  On Thursday, 19 December 2019 The Center for Legal and Policy Studies (Pusat Studi [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Kerangka Hukum Kebijakan E-Commerce di Indonesia

February 26th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Kerangka Hukum Kebijakan E-Commerce di Indonesia

The growth of e-commerce transactions in Indonesia reached USD 12.2 billion in 2018, making it one of the largest markets in Southeast Asia. As a response, the government has issued Presidential Decree number 74 year 2017 on e-commerce roadmap. However, there are [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Prospek dan Tantangan Pembenahan Reformasi Regulasi di Pemerintahan Joko Widodo

February 18th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Prospek dan Tantangan Pembenahan Reformasi Regulasi di Pemerintahan Joko Widodo

Entering the second term of President Joko Widodo’s administration, The Center for Legal and Policy Studies (Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan or PSHK Indonesia) hosted an FKP event on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 to evaluate and foresee the prospects and challenges that [...]

[FKP hosted by INSPIRASI] Tantangan mengembangkan leadership kepala sekolah untuk atasi learning crisis

February 18th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by INSPIRASI] Tantangan mengembangkan leadership kepala sekolah untuk atasi learning crisis

School leadership is a factor that influences students’ learning process, yet it is also a topic that is scarcely explored. On Thursday, 5 December 2019 INSPIRASI hosted an FKP seminar on the topic at the Library of the Ministry of Education and [...]

FKP 2019 12 04 – Territorial autonomy in Indonesia and beyond

February 18th, 2020|Comments Off on FKP 2019 12 04 – Territorial autonomy in Indonesia and beyond

Territorial autonomy has been an increasingly popular form of conflict resolution strategy in many countries. In Indonesia, Aceh and Papua are two examples of territorial autonomies that yielded different outcomes. On Wednesday, 4 December 2019, Shane Barter (Soka University of America) presented [...]

2019 BIES Economic Dialogue and Forum

February 15th, 2020|Comments Off on 2019 BIES Economic Dialogue and Forum

Left-right: Ronnie Nataatmadja (discussant), Pipit Pitriyan (chair), Ahmad Komarulzaman (discussant), Ayu Pratiwi (BIES author) Although agroforestry is recognised as a means to stabilise farm income, little work has been done to differentiate farmers based on their incomes, their capacity to diversify crops, [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] No One Left Behind in Indonesia?

February 13th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] No One Left Behind in Indonesia?

President Joko Widodo has used the term ‘no one left behind’ to emphasize his administration’s commitment to pursue inclusive development. However, some marginalized groups are still at risk of being excluded from the process. On Tuesday, 12 November 2019, Martin Siyaranamual (Universitas [...]

[FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Empowering Female Migrant Workers to Access Quality Overseas Placement Services in Indonesia

February 11th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Empowering Female Migrant Workers to Access Quality Overseas Placement Services in Indonesia

Many migrant workers from Indonesia rely on recruiters and placement agencies (PPTKIS or PT) to facilitate their employment abroad and PT quality matters for migration outcomes. However, PT quality is often highly variable and many engage in exploitative practices. On the other [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Learning by exporting: the role of competition

February 6th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Learning by exporting: the role of competition

Authors Arianto Patunru (second from left) and Deasy Pane (fourth from left) with seminar attendees Competition in the export markets is a key channel for firms to learn how to improve their productivity. Past studies have shown evidence of learning by exporting [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Inklusi Disabilitas dalam Pembangunan

January 31st, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Inklusi Disabilitas dalam Pembangunan

Photo Courtesy: The SMERU Research Institute People with disabilities are among the most vulnerable group to be excluded from the society. To ensure that every member of the society benefits from development, stakeholders from the government, industries, the academia, and the general [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Asesmen Kemampuan Literasi dan Numerasi Anak

January 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Asesmen Kemampuan Literasi dan Numerasi Anak

Photo Courtesy: The SMERU Research Institute Assessment is an integral part of a learning process, not only to measure students’ learning outcomes but also to evaluate the quality of teachers and the effectiveness of the education system. On Thursday, 24 October 2019, [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Harapan bagi Program Keluarga Harapan

January 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Harapan bagi Program Keluarga Harapan

Photo Courtesy: The SMERU Research Institute Indonesia’s conditional cash transfer program, also known as Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is one of the efforts made by the government to eradicate poverty. In another FKP event hosted by The SMERU Research Institute, the impacts, [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan

January 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan

Photo Courtesy: The SMERU Research Institute Violence against women is a problem that is still rampant in Indonesia. Not only does this violate women’s fundamental rights, it is also a factor that hinders women’s participation in a country’s development. On Thursday, 10 [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Sistem Perlindungan Sosial Indonesia ke Depan

January 30th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Sistem Perlindungan Sosial Indonesia ke Depan

Photo courtesy: The SMERU Research Institute The government of Indonesia has committed to increase and improve social protection programs for all layers of the society. Despite these efforts, some groups remain vulnerable. On Thursday, 3 October 2019, The SMERU Research Institute hosted [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Digital Economy Impacts to the Balance of Payments and the National Real Sector Account

January 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Digital Economy Impacts to the Balance of Payments and the National Real Sector Account

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI The utilization of digital technologiy is believed to significantly boost a country’s economy. In Indonesia, the impact is estimated to be a 3% increase of the annual GDP. However, Indonesia’s high information and communication technology (ICT) [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Revitalisasi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) untuk Menjawab Tantangan Pasar Tenaga Kerja

January 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Revitalisasi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) untuk Menjawab Tantangan Pasar Tenaga Kerja

The quality of human resources is said to be the main focus of the Indonesian government in the next 5 years. However, the quality of education, especially vocational education has remained unresolved despite past attempts of revitalization. Regarding this issue, Article 33 [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The Long-Term Effect of Stunting on Adult Life Outcome in Indonesia

January 9th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The Long-Term Effect of Stunting on Adult Life Outcome in Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Combatting all forms of malnutrition is one of the objectives of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Member states, including Indonesia, have put in effort to improve nutritional conditions of children in the country, yet [...]

[FKP hosted by BKF and PROSPERA] Alternative Policy for LPG Subsidy in Indonesia

January 8th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BKF and PROSPERA] Alternative Policy for LPG Subsidy in Indonesia

The LPG subsidy program in Indonesia began in 2007 as an effort to phase out the use of kerosene as the main cooking fuel for poor households and micro businesses in Indonesia. The consumption of subsidized LPG continued to increase, reaching more [...]

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Desa melalui Pembangunan Desa yang Inklusif

January 8th, 2020|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Desa melalui Pembangunan Desa yang Inklusif

Developing and empowering villages have been one of the main focus of the government in recent years. To improve the welfare of village citizens, inclusive community participation is a vital component that needs to be ensured. On Thursday, 12 September 2019, Article [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Negotiating work, family and the traffic

December 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Negotiating work, family and the traffic

Despite women’s increasing participation in the work force, female workers are still disproportionately subjected to household and care duties in comparison to their male counterparts. Aside from having to constantly negotiate between the two, middle-class women often resort to hiring babysitters. On [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Conservatising The Muslim Middle Class in Neo-Liberal Indonesia

December 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Conservatising The Muslim Middle Class in Neo-Liberal Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI   Since the dawn of Reformasi, symbols and cultural practices of Islamic identity has become more visible in the public sphere. Interestingly, this phenomenon coincides with the time of rapid growth of Indonesia’s democracy and consumption. [...]

[The 13th Sadli Lecture] Designing Anti-Poverty Programs in Emerging Economies in the 21st Century: Lessons from Indonesia for the World

December 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on [The 13th Sadli Lecture] Designing Anti-Poverty Programs in Emerging Economies in the 21st Century: Lessons from Indonesia for the World

Left to right: Arie Damayanti (moderator), Ari Kuncoro (Dean of FEB UI), Ben Olken (13th Sadli Lecture speaker), M. Ikhsan (Vice President’s Office), Riatu Qibthiyyah (LPEM FEB UI), Firman Witoelar (ANU Indonesia Project) and Denny Admiral (relative of the late Professor Sadli) [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Social Programs and Social Justice in Indonesia: Citizens’ Evaluation of the Quality of Social Programs

December 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Social Programs and Social Justice in Indonesia: Citizens’ Evaluation of the Quality of Social Programs

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Indonesia has a number of social programs that aim to give protection to the people. However, there have not been any official audits or evaluation of these programs that actively involve the public. In regard to [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Regional Mobility and Regional Development in Indonesia

December 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Regional Mobility and Regional Development in Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Indonesia’s labor force has become increasingly mobile, both in terms of geography as well as industry. To discuss the implications of these movements on productivity and economic development, I Dewa Gede Karma Wisana, Rachmat Reksa Samudra, [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Determinants of Contraceptive Discontinuation in Indonesia

December 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Determinants of Contraceptive Discontinuation in Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Indonesia’s fertility rate has declined smoothly during most of the New Order up to the early Reformation era (1971-2000). However, the data shows that there has been a stagnation in the fertility rate since 2000 and [...]

[Indonesia Update Book Launch] 2019 Contentious Belonging: the Place of Minorities in Indonesia

November 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [Indonesia Update Book Launch] 2019 Contentious Belonging: the Place of Minorities in Indonesia

The status of minority groups in Indonesia has fluctuated over time. In recent years, Indonesia’s “unity in diversity” motto has been a subject of scrutiny, especially regarding the state and community’s attitude towards religious, ethnic, and sexual minorities. The complexities of this [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Double minority candidates and Muslim voting behaviour: evidence from Indonesia

November 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Double minority candidates and Muslim voting behaviour: evidence from Indonesia

The imprisonment of Jakarta’s former governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP), who is a Christian and is of Chinese descent, raised a question of how Muslims in a Muslim-majority society, such as Indonesia, respond to a double minority (i.e. ethnic and religious minority) [...]

[FKP hosted by Ministry of Trade] The Future of Batam

November 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Ministry of Trade] The Future of Batam

Batam’s strategic location has made it a city with one of the highest growths in Indonesia. However, the city has faced rapid economic slowdowns in recent years. On Thursday, 27 June 2019 the Trade Policy Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade, [...]

[Forum Kajian Pembangunan hosted by by Bank Indonesia Institute] Advancing the frontiers of monetary policy and its application in Indonesia

November 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [Forum Kajian Pembangunan hosted by by Bank Indonesia Institute] Advancing the frontiers of monetary policy and its application in Indonesia

On Monday, 17 June 2019 Bank Indonesia Institute hosted the first FKP event of the month.  Sharing his 25 years of experience working with central banks, Douglas Laxton (NOVA School of Business and Economics Portugal and former IMF economist) discussed the many [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Understanding Barriers to Access Training among Poor and Vulnerable Youths

October 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Understanding Barriers to Access Training among Poor and Vulnerable Youths

Indonesia’s upcoming demographic dividend, which refers to the change in the age structure of a country's population that is characterized by the bigger share of the working-age population than that of the non-working age counterparts, opens the window of opportunity to increase [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Internal Migration-Induced Drop-out and Child Employment in Indonesia

October 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Internal Migration-Induced Drop-out and Child Employment in Indonesia

The migration of a household member and its impacts on left-behind children has been a common topic in many previous studies. However, most of them did not utilize longitudinal datasets in their analysis. As a response to this issue, Muhammad Hanri (LPEM [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Risks, Resilience, and Reforms: Indonesia’s Financial System in 2019

October 19th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] Risks, Resilience, and Reforms: Indonesia’s Financial System in 2019

Despite many hurdles and challenges such as the financial crises in the late 90s and 2007-2008 and the taper tantrum in 2013, Indonesian economy has constantly managed to prevail. However, significant risks still remain. On Thursday, 16 May 2019, Febrio Kacaribu (LPEM [...]

[FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] The growth of social protection in Indonesia

October 19th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LPEM FEB UI] The growth of social protection in Indonesia

Since the financial crisis in the late 1990s, the government of Indonesia has introduced a number of social protection programs to protect the poor and vulnerable. On Tuesday, 14 May 2019 Professor Anne Booth (SOAS, University of London) and Moh. Raden Purnagunawan [...]

4th Thee Kian Wie Lecture – Future Prospects and Challenges of Indonesia’s Economy

October 7th, 2019|Comments Off on 4th Thee Kian Wie Lecture – Future Prospects and Challenges of Indonesia’s Economy

Heading into the second term of Joko Widodo’s administration, this year’s Thee Kian Wie Lecture series discussed the future prospects and challenges of Indonesia’s economy. Entering its fourth year, the Thee Kian Wie Lecture series was hosted by the Indonesian Institute of [...]

[FKP hosted by LIPI] Peran Fintech Bagi UMKM: Peluang dan Tantangan

October 7th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by LIPI] Peran Fintech Bagi UMKM: Peluang dan Tantangan

On Thursday, 4 April 2019, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) hosted the first FKP seminar of the month, which included presentations on two topics: 1)  the challenges and opportunities of financial technology (fintech) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and 2) [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Choice vs. Necessity: Drivers’ Motivations behind Joining GO-JEK and Impacts on Drivers’ Reported Wellbeing

October 7th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Choice vs. Necessity: Drivers’ Motivations behind Joining GO-JEK and Impacts on Drivers’ Reported Wellbeing

Technological innovations have digitalized traditional ojek (i.e. motorcycle taxi) in Indonesia, as shown by the rapid development of GO-JEK. Despite providing thousands of job opportunities, GO-JEK often face criticisms, which often come from the drivers themselves. Paksi C.K. Walandouw and Cara Riantoputra [...]

[FKP hosted by Center for Indonesian Policy Studies] Food Trade Policy and Stunting in Indonesia

July 29th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Center for Indonesian Policy Studies] Food Trade Policy and Stunting in Indonesia

In recent years, the issue of stunting has been gaining public attention in Indonesia. To get a more holistic view on the matter, on Wednesday, 20 March 2019, Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) hosted the first FKP of the month, which [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Big Data Based Peer to Peer Lending (P2PL) FinTech Surveillance System through Utilization of Google Play’s Review

May 6th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Big Data Based Peer to Peer Lending (P2PL) FinTech Surveillance System through Utilization of Google Play’s Review

The development of financial technologies has made financial services more accessible to people who were previously deemed unbankable. On the other hand, the lack of barriers to entry has led to a flood of illegal agents, who have been found to cause [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Formulating a New Economic Growth Model in the era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA)

May 6th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Formulating a New Economic Growth Model in the era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA)

Technological advances have created many changes in the society, causing an increase in volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. On the other hand, technology has also allowed new ways to facilitate financial services, such as online peer-to-peer lending (P2PL) applications. On Wednesday, 27 [...]

[FKP hosted by BI Institute] Causes and Consequences of Increasing Inequality in Indonesia: A Long Term View

May 6th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by BI Institute] Causes and Consequences of Increasing Inequality in Indonesia: A Long Term View

Rapid economic growth has put discussions of inequality on the table. Despite many attempts to understand its nature, there has yet to be a study with a well-defined model to find the main determinants and consequences of increasing inequality in Indonesia. In [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] From ocean acidification to mangrove degradation: the issues of our seascapes and science-based solutions

March 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] From ocean acidification to mangrove degradation: the issues of our seascapes and science-based solutions

Ocean acidification and mangrove degradation in Indonesia are two environmental issues that should rely on scientific knowledge for policy interventions, yet proper data are often lacking in Indonesia. On Tuesday, 29 January 2019, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia hosted an FKP event [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Overcoming barriers to solar and wind energy in Indonesia: learnings from India

March 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Overcoming barriers to solar and wind energy in Indonesia: learnings from India

In recent years, efforts to withdraw fossil fuels have risen and countries are trying to increase the share of alternative energy sources such as solar and wind into the energy mix. In regards to this phenomenon, Paul Burke (The Australian National University) [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Poverty alleviation can be an effective conservation strategy

March 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Poverty alleviation can be an effective conservation strategy

Rona Yurismono presenting her research Economic development and ecological conservation are often seen as two conflicting matters. However, economic concepts may actually promote conservation and assist policymakers in choosing suitable interventions. On Thursday, 10 January 2019, World Resources Institute Indonesia (WRI Indonesia) [...]

[FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Towards Cleaner and More Affordable Household Energy Sources in Indonesia

March 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by WRI Indonesia] Towards Cleaner and More Affordable Household Energy Sources in Indonesia

Within the past several years, the government of Indonesia has created several programs to create and promote cleaner and more affordable energy sources for the country. In regards to this issue, World Resources Institute Indonesia (WRI Indonesia) hosted the first FKP seminar [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Indonesia’s Disability Law and International Civil Law Bill

January 30th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Indonesia’s Disability Law and International Civil Law Bill

Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK or the Indonesian Foundation for Law and Policy Studies) hosted an FKP seminar on Wednesday, 12 December 2018, discussing two subjects: Law Number 8 of 2016 on The Disabled by Fajri Nursyamsi and the International [...]

BIES Economic Dialogue 2018 hosted by CEDS Universitas Padjadjaran

January 30th, 2019|1 Comment

Speakers (l-r) T Yudo Wicaksono, Dante Rigmalia, and Mohammad Fahmi Now in its 6th year, the BIES Dialogue was held on 13 November 2018  hosted by the Center for Economic and Development Studies (CEDS), Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung. The topic of the [...]

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Regulations Reform and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism

January 28th, 2019|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Regulations Reform and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism

On Wednesday, 19 December 2018, Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK or the Indonesian Foundation for Law and Policy Studies) hosted a FKP event, consisting of two subjects: institutional approach in regulations reform in Indonesia by M. Nur Solikhin, and Presidential [...]

Seminar Kebencanaan hosted by IRSA, LPEM FEB UI, and ANU Indonesia Project

January 28th, 2019|Comments Off on Seminar Kebencanaan hosted by IRSA, LPEM FEB UI, and ANU Indonesia Project

Being located in the Ring of Fire, natural disasters are not something that Indonesia is unfamiliar with, yet more needs to be done to improve mitigation and community rebuilding. On Tuesday, 13 November 2018 Indonesia Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with [...]

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Evaluation of the Indonesia Village Law Three Years since its Implementation

December 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Evaluation of the Indonesia Village Law Three Years since its Implementation

In 2014 the Indonesia Village Law (Law No. 6) recognising village authority and rights was introduced. Since the implementation of the Village Law, villages are perceived as self-governing communities and local self-governments. As a result villages are given more authority and facilities [...]

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Human Resource Development and the Labour Market

December 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Human Resource Development and the Labour Market

The quality of human capital and the dominance of informal sector jobs are some of the biggest challenges for Indonesia’s labor market. What factors influence the development of human capital in Indonesia? What are the links between formal and informal sectors in [...]

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Youth development and SDGs in Indonesia

December 8th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Youth development and SDGs in Indonesia

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was introduced in 2012 and are set to be achieved by the year 2030. By then, youth would be the successor of the nation. With that in mind, the current state of youth development in Indonesia becomes detrimental [...]

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] School Leadership in Indonesia

December 8th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] School Leadership in Indonesia

  Previous studies have found that school leadership is a crucial factor in determining the quality of schools. On Thursday, 11 October 2018, The SMERU Research Institute hosted a FKP event discussing school leadership in Indonesia with presentations by Hendarman (Head of [...]

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Policies to reduce inequality

December 8th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Policies to reduce inequality

Indonesia has seen a declining rate of inequality in recent years. However, persistently high rates of inequality show that more needs to be done. On Monday, 8 October 2018, the first FKP event of the month was hosted by The SMERU Research [...]

[FKP Media Coverage by ABC] Sanitasi Sekolah Buruk di Indonesia Sebabkan Siswa Putus Sekolah

November 26th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP Media Coverage by ABC] Sanitasi Sekolah Buruk di Indonesia Sebabkan Siswa Putus Sekolah

Buruknya fasilitas sanitasi di sekolah membuat sebagian besar pelajar perempuan di Indonesia jarang mengganti pembalut ketika menstruasi. Praktek ini berdampak pada meningkatnya risiko gangguan kesehatan pada sistem reproduksi hingga proses belajar mereka di sekolah dan sebagian membuat siswa memutuskan tidak melanjutkan sekolah. [...]

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Manajemen kebersihan menstruasi, langkah menuju kesetaraan gender

November 26th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Manajemen kebersihan menstruasi, langkah menuju kesetaraan gender

Sanitasi sekolah, terutama manajemen kebersihan menstruasi (MKM) merupakan bidang yang sering dilupakan dan bahkan dianggap tabu di Indonesia. Padahal, sanitasi yang baik berpengaruh besar pada kesehatan, pendidikan, dan juga kesetaraan gender. Pada Forum Kajian Pembangunan (10/18) yang diselenggarakan oleh Australia National University [...]

[FKP at Article 33] Mendorong Ekonomi yang Lebih Hijau

October 10th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at Article 33] Mendorong Ekonomi yang Lebih Hijau

Being a country that is highly dependent on natural resources, Indonesia has always been at risk of the “Dutch Disease” or the resource curse where development in the resource-rich sector suppresses growth in other sectors. With that in mind, attempts of creating [...]

[FKP at Article 33] Wajib Belajar 12 Tahun, apa yang sudah dicapai?

October 3rd, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at Article 33] Wajib Belajar 12 Tahun, apa yang sudah dicapai?

The Government of Indonesia’s goal of achieving 12 years of compulsory education has spurred questions regarding how far we are from said target. On Wednesday, 12 September 2018, Article 33 hosted the second FKP event in September entitled Wajib Belajar 12 Tahun, [...]

[FKP at Article 33] How do Indonesians’ perception of inequality shape their support for redistribution?

September 30th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at Article 33] How do Indonesians’ perception of inequality shape their support for redistribution?

Inequality is an issue that has been highly addressed by both the government and the general public. The current government claimed that reducing wealth disparity is one of their main priorities. Likewise, a 2014 World Bank study revealed that most Indonesians are [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] Education, Informal Turnover, and Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia

September 30th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] Education, Informal Turnover, and Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia

On 16 August 2018, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta on the topic of labor market and poverty dynamics by Nuri Taufiq (Statistics Indonesia, BPS).  The labor market in Indonesia are dominated by [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] A Decade Study of Agriculture Households in Indonesia: The Role of Land and Labor Mobility on Poverty and Welfare Dynamics

September 30th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] A Decade Study of Agriculture Households in Indonesia: The Role of Land and Labor Mobility on Poverty and Welfare Dynamics

On 16 August 2018, ementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta on the topic of poverty and welfare dynamics. Faizal Rahmanto Moeis (Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia) presented his study on the role [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] Unambitious Average Target Syndrome? The Ambiguity of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in a Decentralized Polity

September 30th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] Unambitious Average Target Syndrome? The Ambiguity of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in a Decentralized Polity

Speaker M. Roudo (BAPPENAS) On 16 August 2018, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta on the topic of government service. Mohammad Roudo (BAPPENAS) presented his study on this topic which aimed to assess the [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] Economic Crisis and Early Childhood Cognitive Development in Indonesia

September 30th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] Economic Crisis and Early Childhood Cognitive Development in Indonesia

On 14 August 2018, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta. Milda Irhamni (J-PAL Southeast Asia) presented her doctoral thesis on the topic of cognitive development in Indonesia. Her research was motivated by the conflicting [...]

[FKP at CSIS Indonesia] The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum 2018

September 22nd, 2018|1 Comment

On Monday, 9 July 2018, CSIS Indonesia and ANU Indonesia Project hosted one of the main events of Forum Kajian Pembangunan, The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum (HSPF) 2018. The HSPF is an annual event in honor of Hadi Soesastro, one of the [...]

[FKP at WRI Indonesia and RCCC UI] Towards Sustainability and Equity for Local Communities and Indigenous People

August 15th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at WRI Indonesia and RCCC UI] Towards Sustainability and Equity for Local Communities and Indigenous People

On Wednesday, 6 June 2018, World Resource Institute (WRI) Indonesia and Research Center for Climate Change Universitas Indonesia (RCCC UI) jointly hosted the sole FKP Seminar of the month. The main theme of the FKP was social forestry and customary land, and [...]

[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Determination of Willingness to Pay for Water Utilities

August 11th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Determination of Willingness to Pay for Water Utilities

On Friday, 25 May 2018, LPEM FEB UI hosted the last FKP seminar in Maywith a presentation by Prani Sastiono (LPEM FEB UI) on pricing strategy policy in controlling demand for water in Tangerang. As water is an essential aspect for human [...]

[FKP at LD FEB UI] Job Mismatch and Age-Earning Profile in Indonesia

July 17th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LD FEB UI] Job Mismatch and Age-Earning Profile in Indonesia

On 24 May 2018, Lembaga Demografi, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (LD FEB UI) hosted the FKP seminar in Depok on the topic of job mismatch incidence in Indonesia and its impact on earnings by Rachmat Reksa Samoedra (LD FEB [...]

[FKP at LD FEB UI] Demographic Masculinization and Son Preference: is Southeast Asia Affected?

July 17th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LD FEB UI] Demographic Masculinization and Son Preference: is Southeast Asia Affected?

On 22 May 2018, Lembaga Demografi, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (LD FEB UI) hosted the FKP seminar in Jakarta by Cristophe Guilmoto of Centre Population et Développement, Université Paris Descartes (CEPED/IRD Paris) presented his study on demographic masculinization and son preference phenomenon in Southeast [...]

[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Can the Visa Waiver Program Promote Foreign Tourist Arrivals? An Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

July 17th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Can the Visa Waiver Program Promote Foreign Tourist Arrivals? An Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

On 18 May 2018, LPEM FEB UI hosted the FKP seminar in Jakarta on the issue of visa waiver program (VWP), a program to promote foreign tourist visits by removing visa requirement. Halley Yudhistira (LPEM FEB UI) presented his study on measuring [...]

[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] The Expansion of Chinese FDI and Chinese Firms in Indonesia

June 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM FEB UI] The Expansion of Chinese FDI and Chinese Firms in Indonesia

On May 8th 2018, LPEM FEB UI hosted the FKP seminar in Salemba, Jakarta on the topic of Chinese investment and Chinese firms' expansion in Indonesia, based on study conducted by Pierre van der Eng of The Australian National University. He started [...]

[FKP at LD FEB UI] Book Launch: Memetik Bonus Demografi, Membangun Manusia Sejak Dini

June 14th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LD FEB UI] Book Launch: Memetik Bonus Demografi, Membangun Manusia Sejak Dini

  Some participants at the book launch On Wednesday, 9 May 2018, Lembaga Demografi, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LD FEB UI) hosted the first of three seminars in May 2018. The seminar takes the form of the launch of [...]

[12th Sadli Lecture] Value Chain Connectivity in Indonesia: the Evolution of Unbundlings

May 29th, 2018|Comments Off on [12th Sadli Lecture] Value Chain Connectivity in Indonesia: the Evolution of Unbundlings

Speakers of the 12th Sadli Lecture pose together with Professor Saparinah Sadli The Sadli Lecture is an annual event convened by LPEM FEB UI and the ANU Indonesia Project. Currently in its 12th year, the last Sadli Lecture was held at Hotel [...]

[FKP at LIPI] The 3rd Thee Kian Wie Lecture

May 29th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] The 3rd Thee Kian Wie Lecture

  The 3rd Thee Kian Wie Lecture was held on 25 April 2018 and the overall theme was the opportunities and challenges of infrastructure development in Indonesia. The speakers were Wahyu Utomo (Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Acceleration and Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry [...]

[FKP at LIPI] Presentations on 1) Using QUAIDS Method to Measure Poverty and 2) Creative Industry

May 15th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] Presentations on 1) Using QUAIDS Method to Measure Poverty and 2) Creative Industry

On 11 April  2018, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia hosted the second FKP seminar of the month in Jakarta. There were two different topics discussed at the event. The first topic was presented by Monica Wihardja (World Bank Indonesia) on using the Quadratic [...]

[FKP at LIPI] Presentations on 1) the relationship between cognitive skills and entrepreneurship, and 2) the Indonesian tax policy on books

April 17th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] Presentations on 1) the relationship between cognitive skills and entrepreneurship, and 2) the Indonesian tax policy on books

Some of the discussion participants posting with speakers Daniel Suryadarma and Max Sambodo The Center for Economic Research, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (P2E LIPI) is host for the FKP in April 2018, and the first event was held on 4 April in [...]

[FKP hosted by ALMI] Behavioral Biases in Saving and Borrowing Decisions

March 25th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ALMI] Behavioral Biases in Saving and Borrowing Decisions

  Akademi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia hosted the FKP seminars in March 2018. On 15 March 2018, Firman Witoelar (SurveyMeter, ALMI) presented a study conducted with Arya Gaduh (University of Arkansas) and Teguh Yudo Wicaksono (Palladium) on financial inclusion. His presentation focused on [...]

[FKP at BI] Digital Currency: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks

March 25th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BI] Digital Currency: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks

On 22 February 2018, Bank Indonesia Institute hosted the last FKP seminar in February 2018 in Jakarta. Iwan Setiawan (Bank Indonesia Institute) presented his study on virtual currency, which he referred to as currency that is not intended for real life use, [...]

[FKP at BI] The Plural Regulation of Work in Indonesia: Implications of Formalising the ‘Informal’

March 24th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BI] The Plural Regulation of Work in Indonesia: Implications of Formalising the ‘Informal’

Bank Indonesia Institute hosted the FKP seminars in February 2018. The second seminar was held on February 15th 2018 at Menara Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta. The presenter was Petra Mahy (Monash University). Her presentation focused on comparative results of a series [...]

2018 FKP Roadshow on Sustainable Development Goals

March 13th, 2018|Comments Off on 2018 FKP Roadshow on Sustainable Development Goals

The 2018 FKP Roadshow was conducted in three cities, hosted by Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh (11 February), Universitas Jember in Jember (12 February), and Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar (14 February). In total, more than 430 people attended the FKP Roadshow [...]

[FKP at INOVASI] Reforming Teacher Deployment and Literacy-Numeracy Outcomes in Indonesia

March 13th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at INOVASI] Reforming Teacher Deployment and Literacy-Numeracy Outcomes in Indonesia

The last FKP seminar series in November was again hosted by The Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) on 28 November 2017. Unlike presentations in the previous week which focused on field case studies in two targeted provinces, this session discussed results [...]

[FKP at BI] Preserving and Sustaining Gains from Recent Economic Growth

February 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at BI] Preserving and Sustaining Gains from Recent Economic Growth

Bank of Indonesia Institute hosted FKP seminar on 9 February 2018 where Ian Coxhead, a professor and chair of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at University of Wisconsin-Madison, presented his joint research with Rashesh Shrestha (ERIA) entitled “Repair the roof [...]

[FKP at UNDP] Towards the 2030 Agenda: Mobilising Innovative and Social Finance – Part Two

February 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at UNDP] Towards the 2030 Agenda: Mobilising Innovative and Social Finance – Part Two

On 24 January 2018, UNDP Indonesia held the second and last FKP seminar of January in Jakarta. The general topic of this seminar was a continuation of the previous seminar, which was “Towards the 2030 Agenda: Mobilising Innovative and Social Finance”. In [...]

[FKP at UNDP] Towards the 2030 Agenda: Mobilising Innovative and Social Finance

February 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at UNDP] Towards the 2030 Agenda: Mobilising Innovative and Social Finance

Source: @UNDPIndonesia The first FKP seminar of 2018 was hosted by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Indonesia on 18 January. The main theme of this month entitled “Towards the 2030 Agenda: Mobilising Innovative and Social Finance” encompasses four different topics discussing alternatives [...]

[FKP at PSHK] Ease of Doing Business and Procedures Simplification in Indonesia

February 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at PSHK] Ease of Doing Business and Procedures Simplification in Indonesia

Source: McKinsey  On the 19th December 2017, Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK) hosted another FKP seminar at Indonesia Jentera School of Law. This session was separated into two parts with two different speakers with two different topics. The first speaker [...]

[FKP at PSHK] Achievements and Challenges in Regulation Reformations in Jokowi Era

February 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at PSHK] Achievements and Challenges in Regulation Reformations in Jokowi Era

Source: Biro Pers Setpres On 12th December 2017, Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK) hosted a FKP seminar at Indonesia Jentera School of Law. PSHK or the Indonesian Foundation for Law and Policy Studies is an institution that intends to help [...]

[FKP at SMERU] Corruption, Governance, and Inequality in Indonesia

February 19th, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at SMERU] Corruption, Governance, and Inequality in Indonesia

Source: The SMERU Research Institute The FKP seminar on 31 of October 2017, held by SMERU Research Institute, was titled Corruption, Governance, and Inequality in Indonesia, which was presented by Mayang Rizky (SMERU Research Institute).  One of the things that motivate the [...]

[FKP at INOVASI] Field Studies related to Teacher’s Working Group and Innovative Teaching Practices

January 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at INOVASI] Field Studies related to Teacher’s Working Group and Innovative Teaching Practices

On 21 November 2017, The Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) hosted the first FKP seminar in November 2018 at the Ministry of Education and Culture. INOVASI is a partnership program between the Australian and Indonesia government which aims to improve the [...]

[FKP at SMERU] The Change of Student Scoring System to Improve Student Learning Outcomes: Preliminary Findings of SABER-Like Study

January 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at SMERU] The Change of Student Scoring System to Improve Student Learning Outcomes: Preliminary Findings of SABER-Like Study

Source: The SMERU Research Institute On 19 October 2017, SMERU Research Institute hosted the third FKP Seminar in October at Cikini, Jakarta. In this seminar, Akhmadi (SMERU Research Institute) presented a study entitled “The Change of Student Scoring System to Improve Student [...]

[FKP at SMERU] Buoyed by the Boom? Household Consumption during an Agricultural Export Boom

January 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on [FKP at SMERU] Buoyed by the Boom? Household Consumption during an Agricultural Export Boom

Source: The SMERU Research Institute On Thursday 26th October 2017, a FKP seminar was hosted by SMERU where Allison Derrick, a PhD candidate from University of Wisconsin-Madison presented her research entitled “Buoyed by the boom? Household consumption during an agricultural export boom”. [...]

[FKP at SMERU] Unpaid Care Work in Indonesia: Why Should We Care?

November 19th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at SMERU] Unpaid Care Work in Indonesia: Why Should We Care?

Source: The SMERU Research Institute On 24 October 2017, Valentina Y. D. Utari (SMERU Research Institute) presented a study conducted by her team entitled “Unpaid Care Work in Indonesia: Why Should We Care?” at the fourth FKP Seminar in October hosted by [...]

[FKP at SMERU] Designing Control Mechanism in the Era of Decentralization Policy for Village

November 11th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at SMERU] Designing Control Mechanism in the Era of Decentralization Policy for Village

Source: The SMERU Research Institute The second FKP Seminar series hosted by SMERU Research Institute was held on 17 October 2017 at Cikini, Jakarta. Rendy A. Diningrat (SMERU Research Institute) presented his team’s recent study entitled “Designing Control Mechanism in the Era [...]

[FKP at SMERU] Multiple Realities in the Light of SDGs: The Reality Check Approach in Different Contexts

November 10th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at SMERU] Multiple Realities in the Light of SDGs: The Reality Check Approach in Different Contexts

Source: The SMERU Research Institute On  11 October 2017, The SMERU Research Institute hosted an FKP seminar in which Yulia Sugandi (Faculty of Human Ecology, Institute Pertanian Bogor), together with Peter Riddell-Carre (RCA+ Project, Palladium Group) gave a presentation entitled “Multiple Realities in [...]

[FKP hosted by RCCC UI] Preferences for Watershed-Based Climate Change Adaptations and Disaster Risk in East Java

November 10th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by RCCC UI] Preferences for Watershed-Based Climate Change Adaptations and Disaster Risk in East Java

The FKP seminar on 20 October 2017 featured Sonny Mumbunan and Christian Silangen (Research Center for Climate Change Universitas Indonesia or RCCC UI). The findings are particularly relevant as concerns for climate change intensify around the world, including in Indonesia. The seminar [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] Globalization and Social Change: Gender-specific Effects of Trade Liberalization in Indonesia

October 1st, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] Globalization and Social Change: Gender-specific Effects of Trade Liberalization in Indonesia

Robert Sparrow (Wageningen University) presented his paper at the FKP Seminar hosted by the Ministry of National Development Planning (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan – BAPPENAS) on 12 September 2017 in Jakarta. the paper explores the impacts of international trade on one of the [...]

[FKP at LPEM] The Economics of Relationships and Family Life

October 1st, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM] The Economics of Relationships and Family Life

On Tuesday 22 August 2017, a FKP seminar was held at LPEM FEBUI where graduating FEB UI students Adinda Rizky Herdianti, Luh Putu Ratih Kumala, Ina Erdawita, Bertha Fania Maula, Sri Puji Lestari, and Olga Stephiana presented their undergraduate theses. The common theme [...]

[FKP at LPEM] Geopolitics in Health: Confronting Obesity, AIDS, and Tuberculosis in the Emerging BRICS Countries

October 1st, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM] Geopolitics in Health: Confronting Obesity, AIDS, and Tuberculosis in the Emerging BRICS Countries

Source: SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran the FKP seminar on 29 August 2017 featured Eduardo J. Gómez (Department of International Development, King’s College London) who presented his upcoming book entitled Geopolitics in Health: Confronting Obesity, AIDS, and Tuberculosis in the Emerging BRICS Economies.  [...]

Forum Kajian Pembangunan in Palembang hosted by Universitas Sriwijaya

September 29th, 2017|Comments Off on Forum Kajian Pembangunan in Palembang hosted by Universitas Sriwijaya

Source: Kompas.com Universitas Sriwijaya hosted two FKP seminar sessions for August 2017, the first one was being held on 8 August 2017 in Palembang, South Sumatra. The seminar included two speakers from Universitas Sriwijaya, who discussed about the impacts of financing to [...]

[FKP at BKF] Inequality in Indonesia: Analysis on Sectoral Growth and Inequality Decomposition

September 29th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at BKF] Inequality in Indonesia: Analysis on Sectoral Growth and Inequality Decomposition

BKF (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal or Fiscal Policy Office) hosted an FKP seminar on 21 July 2017 at Ministry of Finance, Jakarta. This seminar brought up the general topic of inequality and its relevance to Indonesia, which was later being explained in a [...]

[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Internationalization of Indonesian SMEs

September 28th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Internationalization of Indonesian SMEs

The second FKP seminar hosted by LPEM (Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat or Institute for Economic and Social Research) was held on 24 May 2017 at LPEM Building, Jakarta. In this session, Muhammad D. Revindo (LPEM FEB UI) presented a study about [...]

The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum 2017 and Indonesia Update Book Launch

August 17th, 2017|Comments Off on The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum 2017 and Indonesia Update Book Launch

One of FKP’s special events, The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum 2017, was held by Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Indonesia Project, The Australian National University on 3 July 2017 in Jakarta to pay a tribute for Prof. Hadi Soesastro, [...]

[FKP at LD FEB UI] The Transformation of Social Security in Indonesia

August 16th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LD FEB UI] The Transformation of Social Security in Indonesia

Professor Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo (Universitas Indonesia), Flora Aninditya and Dinda Srikandi Radjiman (Lembaga Demografi or Demographic Institute) presented their collaborative study on The Transformation of Social Security in Indonesia on 30 May 2017 at Lembaga Demografi Building, Depok. The seminar was also [...]

[FKP at Article 33] Evaluation of Dana Desa Program

August 13th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at Article 33] Evaluation of Dana Desa Program

Article 33 hosted the last FKP seminar session in May on 15 June 2017 at Santika Hotel Jakarta with the main topic of Dana Desa. There were one field update and two papers in this session; all of them provides insights from [...]

The 11th Sadli Lecture: A Tale of Two Countries

August 12th, 2017|Comments Off on The 11th Sadli Lecture: A Tale of Two Countries

The 11th Sadli Lecture was hosted by LPEM Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with Indonesia Project at The Australian National University (ANU). It was held at Hotel Borobudur on 9th May 2017. The speaker of the lecture was [...]

[FKP at Article 33] Royalty and Measurement on Mining Activities

August 11th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at Article 33] Royalty and Measurement on Mining Activities

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti The first presentation hosted by Article 33 was held on 9 June 2017 at Swissbel-Residences Hotel Kalibata. There were three speakers who presented their working papers. The first one was Kanti (Article 33), who focused  on policy evaluation on royalty [...]

[FKP at LD FEB UI] Population Changes and Accumulation of Wealth in Indonesia

August 7th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LD FEB UI] Population Changes and Accumulation of Wealth in Indonesia

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti Turro Wongkaren (Head of Lembaga Demografi or Demographic Institute) and Diana Stojanovic presented on the topic of  anational transfer accounts on 18 May 2017. National transfers accounts (NTA) itself is a recently developed method to thoroughly measure [...]

[FKP at LD FEB UI] Job Displacement and Individual Earnings in A Developing Economy: Indonesia

August 7th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LD FEB UI] Job Displacement and Individual Earnings in A Developing Economy: Indonesia

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti On 5 May 2017, Rashesh Shrestha (ANU Indonesia Project) was speaker for the first FKP seminar hosted by Lembaga Demografi (Demographic Institute)  presenting on the topic of job displacement, which, based on many past studies, is a [...]

[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Economic Openness and Exchange Rate Stability

June 27th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Economic Openness and Exchange Rate Stability

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti The last FKP seminar session hosted by Universitas Syiah Kuala was held on 29 March 2017 in Jakarta. The speaker, Nazamuddin who is also the Vice Rector of Universitas Syiah Kuala, presented his study in collaboration with [...]

[FKP at LIPI] The 2nd Thee Kian Wie Lecture Series

June 27th, 2017|2 Comments

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti The 2nd Thee Kian Wie Lecture Series on 26 April 2017 was the last FKP session at LIPI this year. The speakers were Mardiasmo (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance), Prof. Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo (Professor Emeritus, Universitas Indonesia), [...]

[FKP at LIPI] The Effect of Intergovernmental Transfer on Infrastructure Spending in Indonesia

June 27th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] The Effect of Intergovernmental Transfer on Infrastructure Spending in Indonesia

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti Adiwan Aritenang (Research Center for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Bandung Institute of Technology) presented his study on “The Effect of Intergovernmental Transfers on Infrastructure Spending in Indonesia” on 18 April 2017 at LIPI. Additionally, Panky Febiyansah (The [...]

[FKP at LIPI] Analysis of Tax Aggressiveness Behavior in Indonesia

June 25th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] Analysis of Tax Aggressiveness Behavior in Indonesia

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti On 12 April 2017, LIPI hosted the second FKP seminar in which Yani Mulyaningsih (The Economic Research Center, LIPI) presented her study on the impact of syar’i microfinancing (Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syaria, LKMS) on poverty reduction among [...]

[FKP at LIPI] When Regional Policies Fail: An Evaluation of Indonesia’s Integrated Economic Development Zones

June 25th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] When Regional Policies Fail: An Evaluation of Indonesia’s Integrated Economic Development Zones

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) hosted the FKP seminar series during the month of April 2017. Alexander Rothenberg (RAND Corporation) presented his team study entitled “When Regional Policies Fail: An Evaluation of Indonesia’s Integrated Economic Development [...]

FKP Roadshow 2017 in Makassar, Banda Aceh and Padang (20-22 March 2017)

June 24th, 2017|Comments Off on FKP Roadshow 2017 in Makassar, Banda Aceh and Padang (20-22 March 2017)

At Universitas Andalas, Padang, with Harif Amali Rivai, Dean of the Faculty of Economics The 2017 Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) Roadshow was conducted at Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar (20 March), Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh (21 March) and Universitas Andalas in [...]

[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] The Struggle over Adat Forest Rights in Upland Banten, Indonesia

March 23rd, 2017|1 Comment

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti FKP in March 2017 was hosted by Universitas Syiah Kuala and Universitas Andalas. One event was held in each Banda Aceh and Padang (during the FKP Roadshow) and two events in Jakarta at LPEM FEB UI. On [...]

[FKP hosted by Bank Indonesia] Analysis of the Effects of Supply-Demand of Foreign Currency on Rupiah Exchange Rate

March 13th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Bank Indonesia] Analysis of the Effects of Supply-Demand of Foreign Currency on Rupiah Exchange Rate

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti On 28 February 2017, the Department for Central Bank Research (Departemen Riset Kebanksentralan or DRK) of Bank Indonesia hosted the presentation of a a study on the effects of demand and supply of foreign currency on the Rupiah exchange [...]

[FKP hosted by Bank Indonesia] The role of Indonesian Small and Medium Automotive Firms in the Global Value Chain

March 2nd, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by Bank Indonesia] The role of Indonesian Small and Medium Automotive Firms in the Global Value Chain

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti Bank Indonesia is FKP host for the month of February 2017. The first presentation was  on 14 February 2017 where Shinta R.I. Soekro (Center For Central Bank Research and Education, Bank of Indonesia) presented her team’s research [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Towards a Successful Forest and Landscape Restoration in Indonesia: The Application of Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology

February 20th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Towards a Successful Forest and Landscape Restoration in Indonesia: The Application of Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology

  Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti On Monday 23rd January 2017, ANU Indonesia Project hosted an FKP seminar in which Satrio A. Wicaksono (World Resources Institute Indonesia or WRI Indonesia) gave a presentation on “Towards a Successful Forest and Landscape Restoration in [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Effects of Indonesia’s fuel and electricity subsidy reforms

February 14th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Effects of Indonesia’s fuel and electricity subsidy reforms

Paul Burke with his former ANU students Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti Paul Burke (Australian National University) presented his study (a collaboration with Muhammad Halley Yudhistira of LPEM FEB UI and other researchesr) on fuel and electricity subsidy reforms in Indonesia on [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Buoyed by the boom? Regional effects of commodity price increases in Indonesia

February 13th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Buoyed by the boom? Regional effects of commodity price increases in Indonesia

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti Allison Derrick, a PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, presented her study titled “Buoyed by the boom? Regional effects of commodity price increases in Indonesia” which focuses on the effect of commodity price boom in Indonesia on [...]

[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Trade, poverty and Income Distribution: the Indonesian Experience

February 13th, 2017|Comments Off on [FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Trade, poverty and Income Distribution: the Indonesian Experience

Reported by Adinda Rizky Herdianti The ANU Indonesia Project hosted the FKP in January 2017. The first FKP seminar of the year was held on 5 January 2017 at LPEM FEB UI, Jakarta with the topic Trade, poverty and income distribution: the [...]

[FKP at LIPI] Social-Economic Assessment of Energy Conversion for Small-scale Fishermen

October 28th, 2016|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] Social-Economic Assessment of Energy Conversion for Small-scale Fishermen

On 8 September 2016, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) hosted an FKP Seminar in which two studies related to energy were presented. The second presentation was by Chitra Indah Yuliana (LIPI) on the results of a socio-economic impact assessment of small-scale [...]

[FKP at LIPI] Stranded Assets, Carbon Risks and Coal Mines in Indonesia

October 28th, 2016|Comments Off on [FKP at LIPI] Stranded Assets, Carbon Risks and Coal Mines in Indonesia

On 8 September 2016, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) hosted an FKP Seminar in which two studies related to energy were presented. The first presentation was by Sonny Mumbunan (Research Center for Climate Change Universitas Indonesia, RCCC UI), on “Stranded Assets, [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] Family Matters – Demographic Change and Social Spending in Indonesia

October 25th, 2016|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] Family Matters – Demographic Change and Social Spending in Indonesia

On 26 August 2016 Riatu Qibthiyyah (LPEM-UI) and Ariane Utomo (ANU and ARI-NUS) presented The Survey of Recent Developments which was published in the August 2016 edition of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES). In addition to looking back at the [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] The Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of Trade Tariff Reform in Indonesia

October 21st, 2016|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] The Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of Trade Tariff Reform in Indonesia

On 19 August 2016, BAPPENAS hosted the FKP Seminar in which Yessi Vadila (The Australian National University) presented her research on the socio-economic and environmental impacts of trade tariff reform in Indonesia. The research is divided into three main sections. The first [...]

[FKP at BAPPENAS] Towards Pro-poor Village Fund and Spending

October 18th, 2016|Comments Off on [FKP at BAPPENAS] Towards Pro-poor Village Fund and Spending

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP again in the month of August 2016. The first event on 16 August 2016 was a presentation by Daan Pattinasarany (The World Bank) and Rofikoh Rokhim (Article 33) on village fund allocation and poverty [...]

FKP at KEMLU on the Impact of Brexit on Indonesia – UK relationship

October 6th, 2016|Comments Off on FKP at KEMLU on the Impact of Brexit on Indonesia – UK relationship

The last FKP Seminar in July 2016 was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KEMLU) in Jakarta. This time, the FKP seminar tries to examine the probably impacts of the British vote of exit from the European Union (“Brexit”) on Indonesia, [...]

FKP hosted by Badan Kebijakan Fiskal

October 4th, 2016|Comments Off on FKP hosted by Badan Kebijakan Fiskal

The Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance (BKF) hosted two FKP presentations on 21 July 2016 in Jakarta. The first presentation, by Hidayat Amir and Anda Nugroho (both of BKF), was based on research which tries to examine the effect increase in [...]

FKP Electoral Competitiveness and Connectivity, Evidence from Indonesia’s Presidential Election

August 9th, 2016|Comments Off on FKP Electoral Competitiveness and Connectivity, Evidence from Indonesia’s Presidential Election

The FKP Seminar on 22 June 2016 was hosted by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta. Arya Gaduh (University of Arkansas) and T. Yudo Wicaksono (SurveyMeter) presented their paper which tries to examine the impact of information and [...]

FKP Evidence on technology-induced productivity

August 9th, 2016|Comments Off on FKP Evidence on technology-induced productivity

On the last FKP Seminar on 29 June 2016 hosted by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta, Teguh Yudo Wicaksono (SurveyMeter) presented his research which tries to examine the impact of information and communications technology (ICT) on earnings. [...]

FKP : Asia and Indonesia Macroeconomic Growth Outlook 2016

July 29th, 2016|Comments Off on FKP : Asia and Indonesia Macroeconomic Growth Outlook 2016

The second quarter of 2016 has just began, and experts and academicians alike have made forecasts on the potential growth in macroeconomic sector. These forecasts are important recommendation for future decision making and evaluation. On 6 April 2016, Institute for Economic and [...]