Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) discussion series continue to be online in 2022, on Zoom and, simultaneously, on YouTube, with the FKP Roadshow in hybrid format (in person and online).

During January-June 2022, 17 events were held, co-hosted by 15 other organisations. The hosts were universities (ANU Indonesia Project, FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Udayana, Universitas Mataram, LPEM Universitas Universitas, Universitas Syiah Kuala, and Universitas Sam Ratulangi); government agencies (Bank Indonesia Institute/BINS and National Research and Innovation Agency/BRIN), NGOs (CIPS, Asian Vision Institute, WRI Indonesia), the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) and DFAT Program INSPIRASI.

FKP attendees on Zoom were mostly from Indonesia, with some attendance from people in Australia and other Southeast Asian countries. Almost 3,000 people attended online (about 73% participated via Zoom). Based on Zoom polls, 53% of attendees were female. In terms of their institutional affiliation, 55% were affiliated with research organisations (universities, think tanks, government research centers, etc); 21% were government staff (in non-research functions, both Indonesian and foreign governments), and 7% for NGOs. The make up of attendees in the first half of 2022 is quite similar to the same period in 2021 (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Attendees’ affiliation, 2022 and 2021


In terms of speakers, we had 38 presenters, 13 of which were female (42%), and 10 of which were international (affiliated with non-Indonesian institutions).  In terms of topics, COVID-19 did not feature as prominently as in previous two years. Only 3 events were pandemic-related, i.e., on students’ learning loss; on economic recovery, and on socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. Two other topics were more prominent, which are social inclusion and environmental sustainability, or the intersection of the two, such as the topic of the FKP Roadshow this year: Enhancing community resilience to disasters.

The seminar with the highest attendance this semester was on the topic of Indonesia’s new capital city Nusantara with drew more than 600 attendees online, hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (North Sulawesi). The speakers were Professor Bambang Brodjonegoro (Head of the Transition Team to a new capital city) and Priyanto Nugroho (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation/LPS)

The highlight of FKP this year is surely the return to in-person meeting with FKP Roadshow. This year, in collaboration with Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Udayana and Universitas Mataram, the FKP Roadshow was held in Denpasar, Bali, on March 1 and in Mataram, Lombok on March 2. The speakers and topics were as follows.

At both locations:

  • Professor Budy Resosudarmo (The Australian National University): Demand for Disaster Index Insurance: introduction to the concept and a case study of flood in Jakarta
  • Dr Saiful Mahdi (Universitas Syiah Kuala): Rethinking relief, reconstruction, dan development: a socio-economic perspective from Aceh

At Universitas Udayana: Dr I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa (Universitas Udayana): Bali economic recovery issues and strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic

At Universitas Mataram: Dr Diswandi (Universitas Mataram): Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) as an alternative for sustainable tourism development

The seminar in Denpasar was attended in person by approximately 70 participants consisting of undergraduate and postgraduate students and young lecturers. Approximately 230 people attended on Zoom and 160 people on YouTube. Anthea Griffin, Australia’s Consul General in Bali, gave remarks at the event emphasizing how vulnerable Indonesia is to natural disasters, and that Australia is now also facing the same challenges with flooding in the states of New South Wales and Queensland. Therefore, the topic of disaster resilience discussed in this seminar is very important for the two countries.

The Roadshow in Mataram was attended in person by approximately 45 participants, most of whom were postgraduate students and junior lecturers. Approximately 140 people attended on Zoom and 162 on YouTube. Altogether, at least 892 people participated in the FKP Roadshow, in person and online. This is an unprecedented number ever since its initiation in 2013.

Another highlight of the semester is the annual Sadli Lecture, now in its 16th year. The seminar was conducted wholly online on Thursday, 19 May 2022, a collaboration of LPEM FEB UI and ANU Indonesia Project. The speakers were Dr Chandra Setiawan (Indonesia Competition Commision/KPPU), Dr Cassey Lee (ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute), Dr Lili Yan Ing (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia/ERIA), and Dr Chaikal Nuryakin (LPEM FEB UI).

About 300 people attended the lecture on Zoom (231 attendees) and YouTube (66 views), where most were researchers and academics (58%), followed by government officials (21%), NGOs (9%) and the private sector (9%). More than half (56%) were males, and attendees were located mostly in Indonesia and Australia. Some attendees participated from other countries i.e., Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Germany, France, UK, USA and others. Professor Saparinah Sadli, wife of the late Professor Mohammad Sadli, joined the webinar briefly to thank everyone for remembering Mohammad Sadli. Mr Denny Admiral, Professor’s Sadli’s nephew, also attended the seminar.

FKP seminars are expected to be mainly online in 2022, although hybrid events are expected to be convened, such as the inaugural Hendra Lesmana Lecture on Regional Development co-hosted with Universitas Andalas (Padang) and IRSA on Wednesday, 13 July 2022. In addition, at least ten other organisations are slated to host between July-December 2022.