Topic 1. Indonesia’s export performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Speaker: Realita Eschachasthi (BPS)

Indonesia’s exports contracted rapidly in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, little is known about the crisis-trade relationship, which is important for the policymaker in designing relevant policies. To that end, using micro data of monthly export transaction, this study examines how exporters adjust in the time of pandemic as well as estimates the impact of COVID-19 on export performance. The result shows, amongst others, that capital goods, mainly manufactured products, were hit the hardest compared to consumption and intermediary goods. The presentation will discuss other findings as well as provide policy recommendations.

Topik 2. Dampak pajak ekspor atas komoditas mineral terhadap perekonomian Indonesia
Pembicara: Akhmad Mun’im (BPS)
Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan beberapa peraturan untu melindungi sumber daya mineralnya dan meningkatkan nilainya. Dimulai dengan pemberlakuan Undang-undang No 4/2009 yang kemudian diikuti dengan peraturan lainnya, pemerintah Indonesia memberlakukan pajak ekspor atas komoditas mineral dan mewajibkan perusahaan pertambangan untuk memurnikan produknya sebelum diekspor. Presentasi ini akan membahas studi yang mengkaji dampak regulasi pajak ekspor Indonesia terhadap perekonomian dengan menggunakan Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) 2011 sebagai kerangkat kerja dan simulasi model CGE statis sebagai perangkat analisa.

Thursday, 10 June at 10.00-12.00am WIB

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