The webinar will feature recent research on regional economic development in Indonesia by analysts at the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS.

1) Provincial income convergence clubs in Indonesia: identification and conditioning factors
Speaker: Anang Budi Gunawan (BAPPENAS)
Abstract: The discussion on regional income per capita convergence in Indonesia continues with an emphasis on whether regional per capita incomes tend to converge or diverge over the long run. This study evaluates the regional convergence hypothesis at the provincial level during the recent deindustrialization period 2001–2017 of Indonesia. First, the study examines the existence of convergence clubs in Indonesia using a recently assembled panel dataset. Results reveal four convergence clubs with particularly large income gaps, mostly arising from the top of the income distribution. Second, using an ordered logit model, the study examines the determinants of the convergence clubs. Result reveals that industrialization increases the probability of membership to a high‐income club.

2. The uneven geography of development in Indonesia: path dependence and the role of spatial planning
Speaker: Agung Mahesa Himawan Dorodjatoen (BAPPENAS)
Abstract: Most research that has been undertaken to understand the geography of uneven development in Indonesia can be classified into two themes: 1) exploring the dynamics of regional inequality along with its possible sources of inequality for the last 20 to 30 years; 2) understanding the regional inequality in Indonesia in the light of decentralisation. This study offers new insights in understanding the country’s regional inequality by introducing the role of spatial planning policy. Although it has been in effect for more than twenty years, there has been little research which attempts to evaluate the impact of this policy to the geography of uneven development. This presentation will discuss a study using Evolutionary Economic Geography as a framework to analyse regional development in Indonesia.

Thursday, 21 October at 10.00-12.00am WIB

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Thumbnail photo by Ervan Sugiana on Unsplash